Embedded System Design multiple choice questions
Embedded System Design
Introduction to Microcontrollers & Embedded processors
Introduction to Microcontrollers
1. In 8086 microprocessor , the address bus is ________ bit wide
- 10 bit
- 20 bit
- 16 bit
- 12 bit
Answer 20 bit
2. What is the file extension is used to load in a microcontroller to execute an instruction?
- .doc
- .c
- .txt
- .hex
Answer .hex
3. What are the two instruction set architecture (ISA) classifications?
Answer CISC & RISC
4. What is internal RAM memory of 8051 microprocessor?
- 32 bytes
- 64 bytes
- 128 bytes
- 256 bytes
Answer 128 bytes
5. How many timers/counter 8051 16-bit microprocessor have?
- 1
- 2
- 5
- 8
Answer 2 timers/counter
6. Register that is used to holds the memory address of the next instruction to be executed is
- Program Memory
- Program Counter
- Control Unit
- Instruction decoder
Answer Program Counter
7. The 8051 microprocessor has ________ parallel I/O ports.
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Answer 4 parallel I/O ports.
8. Which instructions affect the program counter?
- Call & Return
- Call & Jump
- Push & Pop
- Return & Jump
Answer Call & Jump
9. Which register is used to store the output generated by ALU?
- Special Function Register
- Timer Register
- Accumulator
- Stack Pointer
Answer Accumulator
10. ........... signal control the flow of data
- Both 1 & 2
- None of the above
Answer Both 1 & 2
11. Which of the following is the function of the TMOD register?
- It is used to interrupt the timer
- It is used to load the count of the timer
- It is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate modes
- It Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the operation of the timer
Answer It is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate modes
12. Which of the following is the function of the SCON register?
- control SMOD registers
- control SBUF and SMOD registers
- program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing
- None of the above
Answer program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing
13. Which of the following is the bit of the IE register is used to enable TxD/RxD interrupt?
- IE.D2
- IE.D3
- IE.D4
- IE.D5
Answer IE.D4
14. Which of the following pin of the LCD is used for adjusting its contrast?
- pin no 3
- pin no 1
- pin no 4
- pin no 2
Answer pin no 3
15. Point out the correct statement about about DAC0808?
- It has current as an output
- Parallel digital data to analog data conversion
- Both A & B
- None of the above
Answer Parallel digital data to analog data conversion
16. Which of the following register usually store the output generated by ALU in several arithmetic and logical operations?
- Special Function Register
- Timer Register
- Accumulator
- Stack Pointer
Answer Accumulator
17. Which of the following operations are performed by stack pointer during its incremental phase?
- Pop
- Push
- Return
- None of the above
Answer Push
18. Which of the following is the default value of stack once after the system undergoes the reset condition?
- 08H
- 09H
- 00H
- 07H
Answer 07H
19. Whichn of the following commands are used for addressing the off-chip data and associated codes respectively by data pointer?
Answer MOVX & MOVC
20. Which of the following is the bit addressing range of addressable individual bits over the on-chip RAM?
- 00H to 7FH
- 01H to 7FH
- 00H to FFH
- 80H to FFH
Answer a 00H to 7FH
21. A microcontroller at-least should consist of:
- RAM, ROM, I/O ports and timers
- CPU, RAM, I/O ports and timers
- CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O ports and timers
- CPU, ROM, I/O ports and timers
Answer CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O ports and timers
22. Unlike microprocessors, microcontrollers make use of batteries because they have:
a) high power dissipation
b) low power consumption
c) low voltage consumption
d) low current consumption
Answer low power consumption
23. What is the order decided by a processor or the CPU of a controller to execute an instruction?
a) decode,fetch,execute
b) execute,fetch,decode
c) fetch,execute,decode
d) fetch,decode,execute
Answer fetch,decode,execute
24. If we say microcontroller is 8-bit then here 8-bit denotes size of:
a) Data Bus
b) ALU
c) Control Bus
d) Address Bus
Answer: ALU
25. How are the performance and the computer capability affected by increasing its internal bus width?
a) it increases and turns better
b) it decreases
c) remains the same
d) internal bus width doesn’t affect the performance in any way
Answer: it increases and turns better
26. Abbreviate CISC and RISC.
a) Complete Instruction Set Computer, Reduced Instruction Set Computer
b) Complex Instruction Set Computer, Reduced Instruction Set Computer
c) Complex Instruction Set Computer, Reliable Instruction Set Computer
d) Complete Instruction Set Computer, Reliable Instruction Set Computer
Answer: Complex Instruction Set Computer, Reduced Instruction Set Computer
27. Give the names of the buses present in a controller for transferring data from one place to another?
a) data bus, address bus
b) data bus
c) data bus, address bus, control bus
d) address bus
Answer: data bus, address bus, control bus
28. What is the file extension that is loaded in a microcontroller for executing any instruction?
a) .doc
b) .c
c) .txt
d) .hex
Answer: .hex
29. What is the most appropriate criterion for choosing the right microcontroller of our choice?
a) speed
b) availability
c) ease with the product
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
30. Why microcontrollers are not called general purpose computers?
a) because they have built in RAM and ROM
b) because they design to perform dedicated task
c) because they are cheap
d) because they consume low power
Answer: because they design to perform dedicated task
31. How many types of architectures are available, for designing a device that is able to work on its own?
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) 4
Answer: 2
32. Which architecture is followed by general purpose microprocessors?
a) Harvard architecture
b) Von Neumann architecture
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: Von Neumann architecture
33. Which architecture involves both the volatile and the non volatile memory?
a) Harvard architecture
b) Von Neumann architecture
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: Harvard architecture
34. Which architecture provides separate buses for program and data memory?
a) Harvard architecture
b) Von Neumann architecture
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: Harvard architecture
35. Which microcontroller doesn’t match with its architecture below?
a) Microchip PIC- Harvard
b) MSP430- Harvard
c) ARM7- Von Neumann
d) ARM9- Harvard
Answer: MSP430- Harvard
36. Harvard architecture has _____________
a) dedicated buses for data and program memory
b) pipeline technique
c) complex architecture
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
37. Which out of the following supports Harvard architecture?
a) ARM7
b) Pentium
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: SHARC
38. Why most of the DSPs use Harvard architecture?
a) they provide greater bandwidth
b) they provide more predictable bandwidth
c) they provide greater bandwidth & also more predictable bandwidth
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: they provide greater bandwidth & also more predictable bandwidth
39. Which of the following supports CISC as well as Harvard architecture?
a) ARM7
b) ARM9
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: SHARC
40. Which of the two architecture saves memory?
a) Harvard
b) Von Neumann
c) Harvard & Von Neumann
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: Von Neumann
8051 Microcontrollers
1. 8051 microcontrollers are manufactured by which of the following companies?
a) Atmel
b) Philips
c) Intel
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
2. AT89C2051 has RAM of:
a) 128 bytes
b) 256 bytes
c) 64 bytes
d) 512 bytes
Answer: 128 bytes
3. 8051 series has how many 16 bit registers?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 1
d) 0
Answer: 2
4. When 8051 wakes up then 0x00 is loaded to which register?
a) PSW
b) SP
c) PC
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: PC
5. When the microcontroller executes some arithmetic operations, then the flag bits of which register are affected?
a) PSW
b) SP
d) PC
Answer: PSW
6. How are the status of the carry, auxiliary carry and parity flag affected if the write instruction
ADD A,#64H
a) CY=0,AC=0,P=0
b) CY=1,AC=1,P=0
c) CY=0,AC=1,P=0
d) CY=1,AC=1,P=1
Answer: CY=1,AC=1,P=0
7. How are the bits of the register PSW affected if we select Bank2 of 8051?
a) PSW.5=0 and PSW.4=1
b) PSW.2=0 and PSW.3=1
c) PSW.3=1 and PSW.4=1
d) PSW.3=0 and PSW.4=1
Answer: PSW.3=0 and PSW.4=1
8. If we push data onto the stack then the stack pointer
a) increases with every push
b) decreases with every push
c) increases & decreases with every push
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: increases with every push
9. On power up, the 8051 uses which RAM locations for register R0- R7
a) 00-2F
b) 00-07
c) 00-7F
d) 00-0F
Answer: 00-07
10. How many bytes of bit addressable memory is present in 8051 based microcontrollers?
a) 8 bytes
b) 32 bytes
c) 16 bytes
d) 128 bytes
Answer: 16 bytes
Jump, Loop and Call Instructions
1. “DJNZ R0, label” is ________ byte instruction.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 1
d) Can’t be determined
Answer: 2
2. JZ, JNZ, instructions checked content of _______ register.
b) B
c) A
d) PSW
Answer: A
3. Calculate the jump code for again and here if code starts at 0000H
MOV R1,#0
MOV A,#0
MOV R0,#25H
a) F3,02
b) F9,01
c) E9,01
d) E3,02
Answer: E9,01
4. When the call instruction is executed the topmost element of stack comes out to be
a) the address where stack pointer starts
b) the address next to the call instruction
c) address of the call instruction
d) next address of the stack pointer
Answer: the address next to the call instruction
5. LCALL instruction takes
a) 2 bytes
b) 4 bytes
c) 3 bytes
d) 1 byte
Answer: 3 bytes
6. Are PUSH and POP instructions are a type of CALL instructions?
a) yes
b) no
c) none of the mentioned
d) cant be determined
Answer: no
7. What is the time taken by one machine cycle if crystal frequency is 20MHz?
a) 1.085 micro seconds
b) 0.60 micro seconds
c) 0.75 micro seconds
d) 1 micro seconds
Answer: 0.60 micro seconds
8. Find the number of times the following loop will be executed
MOV R6,#200
BACK:MOV R5,#100
a) 100
b) 200
c) 20000
d) 2000
Answer: 20000
9. What is the meaning of the instruction MOV A,05H?
a) data 05H is stored in the accumulator
b) fifth bit of accumulator is set to one
c) address 05H is stored in the accumulator
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: address 05H is stored in the accumulator
10. Do the two instructions mean the same?
a) yes
b) no
c) cant be determined
d) yes and the second one is preferred
Answer: no
I/O Port Programming and Addressing Modes
I/O Port Programming and Addressing Modes
1. To initialize any port as an output port what value is to be given to it?
a) 0xFF
b) 0x00
c) 0x01
d) A port is by default an output port
Answer: A port is by default an output port
2. Which out of the four ports of 8051 needs a pull-up resistor for using it is as an input or an output port?
a) PORT 0
b) PORT 1
c) PORT 2
d) PORT 3
Answer: PORT 0
3. Which of the ports act as the 16 bit address lines for transferring data through it?
a) PORT 0 and PORT 1
b) PORT 1 and PORT 2
c) PORT 0 and PORT 2
d) PORT 1 and PORT 3
Answer: PORT 0 and PORT 2
4. Which of the following registers are not bit addressable?
c) A
d) PSW
Answer: PCON
5. Which instruction is used to check the status of a single bit?
a) MOV A,P0
b) ADD A,#05H
c) JNB PO.0, label
d) CLR P0.05H
Answer: JNB PO.0, label
6. Which addressing mode is used in pushing or popping any element on or from the stack?
a) immediate
b) direct
c) indirect
d) register
Answer: direct
7. Which operator is the most important while assigning any instruction as register indirect instruction?
a) $
b) #
c) @
d) &
Answer: @
8. What is the advantage of register indirect addressing mode?
a) it makes use of registers R0 and R1
b) it uses the data dynamically
c) it makes use of operator @
d) it is easy
Answer: it uses the data dynamically
9. Which of the following comes under the indexed addressing mode?
c) MOV A,R0
d) MOV @R0,A
Answer: MOVC @A+DPTR,A
10. Is this a valid statement?
a) yes
b) no
c) cant be determined
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: no
Arithmetic and Logic Instructions
1. When we add two numbers the destination address must always be.
a) some immediate data
b) any register
c) accumulator
d) memory
Answer: accumulator
2. DAA command adds 6 to the nibble if:
a) CY and AC are necessarily 1
b) either CY or AC is 1
c) no relation with CY or AC
d) CY is 1
Answer: either CY or AC is 1
3. If SUBB A,R4 is executed, then actually what operation is being applied?
a) R4+A
b) R4-A
c) A-R4
d) R4+A
Answer: A-R4
4. A valid division instruction always makes:
a) CY=0,AC=1
b) CY=1,AC=1
c) CY=0,AC=0
d) no relation with AC and CY
Answer: CY=0,AC=0
5. In 8 bit signed number operations, OV flag is set to 1 if:
a) a carry is generated from D7 bit
b) a carry is generated from D3 bit
c) a carry is generated from D7 or D3 bit
d) a carry is generated from D7 or D6 bit
Answer: a carry is generated from D7 or D6 bit
6. In unsigned number addition, the status of which bit is important?
a) OV
b) CY
c) AC
d) PSW
Answer: CY
7. Which instructions have no effect on the flags of PSW?
a) ANL
b) ORL
c) XRL
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
8. ANL instruction is used _______
a) to AND the contents of the two registers
b) to mask the status of the bits
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
9. CJNE instruction makes _______
a) the pointer to jump if the values of the destination and the source address are equal
b) sets CY=1, if the contents of the destination register are greater then that of the source register
c) sets CY=0, if the contents of the destination register are smaller then that of the source register
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: none of the mentioned
10. XRL, ORL, ANL commands have _______
a) accumulator as the destination address and any register, memory or any immediate data as the source address
b) accumulator as the destination address and any immediate data as the source address
c) any register as the destination address and accumulator, memory or any immediate data as the source address
d) any register as the destination address and any immediate data as the source address
Answer: accumulator as the destination address and any register, memory or any immediate data as the source address
Timer Programming
1. What is the clock source for the timers?
a) some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer
b) from the crystal applied to the micro-controller
c) through the software
d) through programming
Answer: from the crystal applied to the micro-controller
2. What is the frequency of the clock that is being used as the clock source for the timer?
a) some externally applied frequency f’
b) controller’s crystal frequency f
c) controller’s crystal frequency /12
d) externally applied frequency/12
Answer: controller’s crystal frequency /12
3. What is the function of the TMOD register?
a) TMOD register is used to set various operation modes of timer/counter
b) TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer
c) Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the operation of the timer
d) Is used to interrupt the timer
Answer: TMOD register is used to set various operation modes of timer/counter
4. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal frequency of 22MHz?
a) 2978.9 sec
b) 0.011 msec
c) 11.63 sec
d) 2.97 msec
Answer: 2.97 msec
5. Auto reload mode is allowed in which mode of the timer?
a) Mode 0
b) Mode 1
c) Mode 2
d) Mode 3
Answer: Mode 2
6. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?
7. What steps are followed when we need to turn on any timer?
a) load the count, start the timer, keep monitoring it, stop the timer
b) load the TMOD register, load the count, start the timer, keep monitoring it, stop the timer
c) load the TMOD register, start the timer, load the count, keep monitoring it, stop the timer
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: load the TMOD register, load the count, start the timer, keep monitoring it, stop the timer
8. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock pulse need to be applied?
a) P3.3
b) P3.4
c) P3.5
d) P3.6
Answer: P3.4
9. In the instruction “MOV TH1,#-3”, what is the value that is being loaded in the TH1 register?
a) 0xFCH
b) 0xFBH
c) 0xFDH
d) 0xFEH
Answer: 0xFDH
10. TF1, TR1, TF0, TR0 bits are of which register?
Answer: TCON
Serial Port Communication
1. Which devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel and from parallel to serial respectively?
a) timers
b) counters
c) registers
d) serial communication
Answer: registers
2. What is the difference between UART and USART communication?
a) they are the names of the same particular thing, just the difference of A and S is there in it
b) one uses asynchronous means of communication and the other uses synchronous means of communication
c) one uses asynchronous means of communication and the other uses asynchronous and synchronous means of communication
d) one uses angular means of the communication and the other uses linear means of communication
Answer: one uses asynchronous means of communication and the other uses asynchronous and synchronous means of communication
3. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous means of communication?
a) it binds the data properly
b) it tells us about the start and stops of the data to be transmitted or received
c) it is used for error checking
d) it is used for flow control
Answer: it tells us about the start and stops of the data to be transmitted or received
4. Which of the following signal control the flow of data?
a) RTS
b) DTR
c) RTS & DTR
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: RTS
5. Which of the following is the logic level understood by the micro-controller/micro-processor?
a) TTL logic level
b) RS232 logic level
c) None of the mentioned
d) TTL & RS232 logic level
Answer: TTL logic level
6. What is a null modem connection?
a) no data transmission
b) no MAX232
c) the RxD of one is the TxD for the other
d) no serial communication
Answer: the RxD of one is the TxD for the other
7. Which of the following best states the reason that why baud rate is mentioned in serial communication?
a) to know about the no of bits being transmitted per second
b) to make the two devices compatible with each other, so that the transmission becomes easy and error free
c) to use Timer 1
d) for wasting memory
Answer: to make the two devices compatible with each other, so that the transmission becomes easy and error free
8. With what frequency UART operates( where f denoted the crystal frequency )?
a) f/12
b) f/32
c) f/144
d) f/384
Answer: f/384
9. What is the function of the SCON register?
a) to control SBUF and SMOD registers
b) to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing
c) to control SMOD registers
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing
10. What should be done if we want to double the baud rate?
a) change a bit of the TMOD register
b) change a bit of the PCON register
c) change a bit of the SCON register
d) change a bit of the SBUF register
Answer: change a bit of the PCON register
Interrupt Programming
1. When an interrupt is enabled, then where does the pointer moves immediately after this interrupt has occurred?
a) to the next instruction which is to be executed
b) to the first instruction of ISR
c) to a fixed location in memory called interrupt vector table
d) to the end of the program
Answer: to a fixed location in memory called interrupt vector table
2. What are the contents of the IE register, when the interrupt of the memory location 0x00 is caused?
a) 0xFFH
b) 0x00H
c) 0x10H
d) 0xF0H
Answer: 0x00H
3. After RETI instruction is executed then the pointer will move to which location in the program?
a) next interrupt of the interrupt vector table
b) immediate next instruction where interrupt is occurred
c) next instruction after the RETI in the memory
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: immediate next instruction where interrupt is occurred
4. Which pin of the external hardware is said to exhibit INT0 interrupt?
a) pin no 10
b) pin no 11
c) pin no 12
d) pin no 13
Answer: pin no 12
5. Which bit of the IE register is used to enable TxD/RxD interrupt?
a) IE.D5
b) IE.D2
c) IE.D3
d) IE.D4
Answer: IE.D4
6. Which of the following combination is the best to enable the external hardware interrupt 0 of the IE register (assuming initially all bits of the IE register are zero)?
a) EX0=1
b) EA=1
c) any of the mentioned
d) EX0=1 & EA=1
Answer: EX0=1 & EA=1
7. Why normally LJMP instructions are the topmost lines of the ISR?
a) so as to jump to some other location where there is a wider space of memory available to write the codes
b) so as to avoid overwriting of other interrupt instructions
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
8. Which register is used to make the interrupt level or an edge triggered pulse?
b) IE
c) IPR
Answer: TCON
9. What is the disadvantage of a level triggered pulse?
a) a constant pulse is to be maintained for a greater span of time
b) another interrupt may be generated if the low-level signal is not removed before the ISR is finished
c) it is difficult to produce
d) another interrupt may be caused if the signal is still low before the completion of the last instruction
Answer: another interrupt may be caused if the signal is still low before the completion of the last instruction
10. What is the correct order of priority that is set after a controller gets reset?
a) RI/TI > TF1 > TF0 > INT1 > INT0
b) RI/TI < TF1 < TF0 < INT1 < INT0
c) INT0 > TF0 > INT1 > TF1 > RI/TI
d) INT0 < TF0 < INT1 < TF1 < RI/TI
Answer: INT0 > TF0 > INT1 > TF1 > RI/TI
LCD Interfacing
1. How many rows and columns are present in a 16*2 alphanumeric LCD?
a) rows=2, columns=32
b) rows=16, columns=2
c) rows=16, columns=16
d) rows=2, columns=16
Answer: rows=2, columns=16
2. How many data lines are there in a 16*2 alphanumeric LCD?
a) 16
b) 8
c) 1
d) 0
Answer: 8
3. Which pin of the LCD is used for adjusting its contrast?
a) pin no 1
b) pin no 2
c) pin no 3
d) pin no 4
Answer: pin no 3
4. For writing commands on an LCD, RS bit is
a) set
b) reset
c) set & reset
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: reset
5. Which command of an LCD is used to shift the entire display to the right?
a) 0x1C
b) 0x18
c) 0x05
d) 0x07
Answer: 0x1C
6. Which command is used to select the 2 lines and 5*7 matrix of an LCD?
a) 0x01
b) 0x06
c) 0x0e
d) 0x38
Answer: 0x38
7. Which of the following step/s is/are correct for sending data to an LCD?
a) set the R/W bit
b) set the E bit
c) set the RS bit
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
8. Which of the following step/s is/are correct to perform reading operation from an LCD?
a) low to high pulse at E pin
b) R/W pin is set high
c) low to high pulse at E pin & R/W pin is set high
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: low to high pulse at E pin & R/W pin is set high
9. Which instruction is used to select the first row first column of an LCD?
a) 0x08
b) 0x0c
c) 0x80
d) 0xc0
Answer: 0x80
10. The RS pin is _________ for an LCD.
a) input
b) output
c) input & output
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: input
Keyboard Interfacing
1. Which of the following steps detects the key in a 4*4 keyboard matrix about the key that is being pressed?
a) masking of bits
b) ensuring that initially, all keys are open
c) checking that whether the key is actually pressed or not
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
2. What is described by this command: CJNE A,#00001111b, ROW1
a) it masks the bit and then jumps to the label where ROW1 is written
b) it makes the value of the accumulator 0FH and then jumps at the address where ROW1 label is written
c) it compares the value of the accumulator with 0FH and jumps to the location where ROW1 label is there if the value becomes equal
d) it compares the value of the accumulator with 0FH and jumps to the location where ROW1 label is there if the value is not equal
Answer: it compares the value of the accumulator with 0FH and jumps to the location where ROW1 label is there if the value is not equal
3. To detect that in which column, the key is placed?
a) we can mask the bits and then check it
b) we can rotate the bits and then check that particular bit which is set or reset(according to the particular condition)
c) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
4. In reading the columns of a matrix, if no key is pressed we should get all in binary notation
a) 0
b) 1
c) F
d) 7
Answer: 1
5. If we need to operate a key of a keyboard in an interrupt mode, then it will generate what kind of interrupt?
a) ES
b) EX0/EX1
c) T0/T1
Answer: EX0/EX1
6. To identify that which key is being pressed, we need to:
a) ground all the pins of the port at a time
b) ground pins of the port one at a time
c) connect all the pins of the port to the main supply at a time
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: ground pins of the port one at a time
7. Key press detection and Key identification are:
a) the same processes
b) two different works are done in Keyboard Interfacing
c) none of the mentioned
d) any of the mentioned
Answer: two different works are done in Keyboard Interfacing
ADC, DAC Interfacing
1. Why two pins for ground are available in ADC0804?
a) for controlling the ADCON0 and ADCON1 register of the controller
b) for controlling the analog and the digital pins of the controller
c) for both parts of the chip respectively
d) for isolate analog and digital signal
Answer: for isolate analog and digital signal
2. What is the function of the WR pin?
a) its active high input used to inform ADC0804 to the end of conversion
b) its active low input used to inform ADC0804 to the end of conversion
c) its active low input used to inform ADC0804 to the start of conversion
d) its active high input used to inform ADC0804 to the start of conversion
Answer: its active low input used to inform ADC0804 to the start of conversion
3. State which of the following statements are false?
a) CLK IN pin used for External Clock Input or Internal Clock with external RC element
b) INTR pin tells about the end of the conversion
c) ADC0804 IC is an 8 bit parallel ADC in the family of the ADC0800 series
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: None of the mentioned
4. While programming the ADC0808/0809 IC what steps are followed?
a) select the analog channel, start the conversion, monitor the conversion, display the digital results
b) select the analog channel, activate the ALE signal (L to H pulse), start the conversion, monitor the conversion, read the digital results
c) select the analog channel, activate the ALE signal (H to L pulse), start the conversion, monitor the conversion, read the digital results
d) select the channel, start the conversion, end the conversion
Answer: select the analog channel, activate the ALE signal (L to H pulse), start the conversion, monitor the conversion, read the digital results
5. In ADC0808/0809 IC which pin is used to select Step Size?
a) Vref
b) Vin
c) Vref/2 & Vin
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: Vref
6. What is the difference between ADC0804 and MAX1112?
a) ADC0804 has 8 bits and MAX1112 has 1 bit for data output
b) ADC0804 is used for adc and dac conversions whereas MAX1112 is used for serial data transmissions
c) ADC0804 has 32 bits and MAX1112 has 3 bit for data output
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: ADC0804 has 8 bits and MAX1112 has 1 bit for data output
7. Which of the following statements are true about DAC0808?
a) parallel digital data to analog data conversion
b) it has current as an output
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: parallel digital data to analog data conversion
8. 8 input DAC has ________
a) 8 discrete voltage levels
b) 64 discrete voltage levels
c) 124 discrete voltage levels
d) 256 discrete voltage levels
Answer: 256 discrete voltage levels
9. INTR, WR signal is an input/output signal pin?
a) both are output
b) both are input
c) one is input and the other is output
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: one is input and the other is output
10. What is the function of the SCLK pin in MAX1112?
a) It is used to bring data in
b) It is used to bring data out and send in the control byte, one at a time
c) It is used to get output clock
d) It is used to get serial output
Answer: It is used to bring data out and send in the control byte, one at a time
Sensor Interfacing
1. A thermistor is a __________
a) sensor
b) adc
c) transducer
d) micro controller
Answer: transducer
2. What is the difference between LM 34 and LM 35 sensors?
a) one is a sensor and the other is a transducer
b) one’s output voltage corresponds to the Fahrenheit temperature and the other corresponds to the Celsius temperature
c) one is of low precision and the other is of higher precision
d) one requires external calibration and the other doesn’t require it
Answer: one’s output voltage corresponds to the Fahrenheit temperature and the other corresponds to the Celsius temperature
3. An electronic device which converts physical quantity or energy from one form to another is called ______
a) Sensor
b) Transistor
c) Transducer
d) Thyristor
Answer: Transducer
4. What is signal conditioning?
a) to analyse any signal
b) conversion or modification is referred to as conditioning
c) conversion from analog to digital is signal conditioning
d) conversion from digital to analog is signal conditioning
Answer: conversion or modification is referred to as conditioning
5. What steps have to be followed for interfacing a sensor to a microcontroller 8051?
a) make the appropriate connections with the controller, ADC conversion, analyse the results
b) interface sensor with ADC and ADC with 8051
c) interface sensor with the MAX232, send now to microcontroller, analyse the results
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: interface sensor with ADC and ADC with 8051
6. LM35 has how many pins?
a) 2
b) 1
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: 3
7. Why Vref is set of ADC0848 to 2.56 V if analog input is connected to the LM35?
a) to set the step size of the sampled input
b) to set the ground for the chip
c) to provide supply to the chip
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: to set the step size of the sampled input
Interfacing with 8255
1. The 8255 is a ______ chip.
a) Input/Output
b) Analog to Digital
c) Digital to analog
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: Input/Output
2. Which pins of a microcontroller are directly connected with 8255?
a) RD
b) WR
c) D0-D7
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
3. Find the control word for PA = out, PB = in, PCL = out, PCH = out (Mode0)?
a) 0x02H
b) 0x82H
c) 0x83H
d) 0x03H
Answer: 0x82H
4. Which pins are used to select the ports and the control register?
a) CS
b) A1
c) A0
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
5. What is the value of the control register when RESET button is set to zero?
a) 0x00H
b) 0xFFH
c) 0x11H
d) value remains the same
Answer: value remains the same
6. Why MOVX instruction is being used to access the ports of the 8255?
a) because 8255 is connecting a microcontroller in memory mapped I/O configuration
b) because 8255 is used to access the external communication
c) because 8255 is used to access the data transfer
d) because 8255 is used to access the interfacing of LCD, motor etc
Answer: because 8255 is connecting a microcontroller in memory mapped I/O configuration
7. What is correct about the BSR mode from below?
a) In BSR mode, only the individual bits of PORT A can be programmed
b) In BSR mode, only the individual bits of PORT B can be programmed
c) In BSR mode, only the individual bits of PORT C can be programmed
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: In BSR mode, only the individual bits of PORT C can be programmed
8. How many pins of the 8255 can be used as the I/O ports?
a) 8
b) 16
c) 24
d) 32
Answer: 24
Interfacing with RTC
1. DS12887 is a ____________
a) Timer IC
b) Serial communication IC
d) Motor
Answer: RTC IC
2. DS12887 has _____ amount of RAM.
a) 14 bytes
b) 114 bytes
c) 128 bytes
d) 64 bytes
Answer: 128 bytes
3. DS12887 has _____ amount of RAM for general purpose applications.
a) 9 bytes
b) 114 bytes
c) 128 bytes
d) 14 bytes
Answer: 114 bytes
4. In DS12887, which bits of the Register A are used to turn on the oscillator?
a) D4
b) D5
c) D6
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
5. In DS12887, which out of the following is correct about the SQW pin?
a) it is an output pin
b) it can provide up to 15 different square waves
c) the frequency of the square wave is set by the register A
d) all of the mentioned are correct
Answer: all of the mentioned are correct
6. In DS12887, what is correct about the UIP bit of the register A?
a) it is a read only bit
b) it is used to know about the result
c) it is used to select the DS12887 datasheet
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: it is a read only bit
7. In DS12887, what is the range of RAM addresses which are used to store the values of time, calendar and alarm data?
a) 00-7FH
b) 00-09H
c) 0EH-7FH
d) 0A-0DH
Answer: 00-09H
8. Is DS12887 has non-volatile RAM?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t be determined
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: Yes
9. Name the read only registers are present in the DS12887?
a) register A, register B
b) register B, register C
c) register C, register D
d) register D, register A
Answer: register C, register D
10. In DS12887, when the external source is turned-off, how does DS12887 get power to retain its data?
a) Internal Lithium Battery
b) Internal Lead Battery
c) Additional external Alkaline Battery
d) Additional external Lithium Battery
Answer: Internal Lithium Battery
Interfacing with Motors
1. What is the principle on which electromagnetic relays operate?
a) electromagnetic induction
b) motor control
c) switching
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: electromagnetic induction
2. What are DPDT relays?
a) Single pole, single throw
b) Single pole, double throw
c) Double pole, double throw
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: Double pole, double throw
3. Why do we need a ULN2803 in driving a relay?
a) for switching a motor
b) for increasing the current
c) for increasing the power
d) for switching the voltage
Answer: for increasing the current
4. Why are solid-state relays advantageous over electromechanical relays?
a) they need zero voltage circuit
b) they need less current to be energised
c) they need less voltage to be energised
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: they need less current to be energised
5. What are optoisolators?
a) it is a driver
b) it is a thing isolated from the entire world
c) it is a device that can be used as an electromagnetic relay without a driver
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: it is a device that can be used as an electromagnetic relay without a driver
6. How can we control the speed of a stepper motor?
a) by controlling its switching rate
b) by controlling its torque
c) by controlling its wave drive 4 step sequence
d) cant be controlled
Answer: by controlling its switching rate
7. Which of the following can be a unit for torque?
a) kg/m2
b) ounce-inch
c) kg-m3
d) g/m
Answer: ounce-inch
8. The RPM rating given for the DC motor is for?
a) no-loaded
b) loaded
c) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: no-loaded
9. How can we change the speed of a DC motor using PWM?
a) By changing amplitude of PWM
b) By keeping fixed duty cycle
c) By changing duty cycle of PWM
d) By increasing power of PWM
Answer: By changing duty cycle of PWM
10. How can the direction of the DC motor be changed?
a) by changing the torque
b) by changing the switching speed
c) by changing the polarity of voltages connected to the leads
d) by changing the RPM rating
Answer: by changing the polarity of voltages connected to the leads
AVR Microcontroller
1. Is the following instruction correct LDI R3,50?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Cant be said
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: No
2. Registers R0-R31 are used for what type of works?
a) they are used for arithmetic and logic instructions
b) they are used for data copy
c) they are used for calculations
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: they are used for arithmetic and logic instructions
3. The largest value that can be loaded in an 8 bit register is?
a) 11111111H
b) FH
c) FFH
d) 00H
Answer: FFH
4. The total space for the data memory available in the AVR based microcontroller is?
a) FFH
Answer: FFFFH
5. Which of the following instructions affect the flags of the status register?
a) AND
b) INC
c) OR
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
6. What is the difference between the two given instructions?
LDI R16,0x34 and LDI R16,$34
a) One copies the hexadecimal value to R16 and the other copies the decimal value to the R16 register
b) One is for command, other is for data
c) One is for assignment, other is for operations
d) Both the commands are the same
Answer: Both the commands are the same
7. Which out of the following is not a directive?
a) .EQU
c) .ORG
d) .LDI
Answer: .LDI
8. Is an assembly language a high level language?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t be said
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: No
9. A 14-bit program counter can access __________ bytes of memory locations.
a) 4K
b) 8K
c) 16K
d) 64K
Answer: 16K
10. When AVR wakes up, then the value of PC becomes?
a) 00H
b) 000H
c) 0000H
d) 00000H
Answer: 00000H
Jump, Loop and Call Instructions
1. Which of the following is correct about BRNE instruction in avr microcontrollers?
a) it is used to compare two registers
b) it is used to compare two values
c) it is used to check the zero flag
d) it is used to jump to the given mentioned label when the zero flag accounts to 0
Answer: it is used to jump to the given mentioned label when the zero flag accounts to 0
2. How many times is this loop going to get executed?
LDI R20, 10
now: LDI R21, 70
BRNE now
a) 10
b) 70
c) 700
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: 70
3. Which of the below mentioned are not the conditional jumps?
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: None of the mentioned
4. What is the relation between the target and the relative address?
a) target address= PC address + relative address
b) target address= relation address*2
c) relative address= PC address + target address
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: target address= PC address + relative address
5. In the JMP instruction, how many bits are there for determining the target address?
a) 16
b) 32
c) 22
d) 10
Answer: 22
6. Which of the following statements are correct?
a) relative address of RJMP instruction varies from 000-fffH
b) target address of JMP instruction varies from 000000-3fffffH
c) IJMP instruction jumps to that address that points to by the Z register
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
7. Which of the following is used to represent the last RAM address?
a) MEM
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: RAMEND
8. Which of the following statements are correct about the RCALL instruction?
a) it is a 2 byte instruction
b) it is a 4 byte instruction
c) it is a 16 byte instruction
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: it is a 2 byte instruction
9. On power on SP points to the address?
a) ffffH
b) fffH
c) 00h
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: 00h
10. Which of the following statements is true?
a) CALL instruction is used to transfer control anywhere in the 4M memory space
b) PUSH instruction is used to take out the value from the stack into some register
c) POP instruction is used to jump to any location
d) RCALL is a 4 byte instruction
Answer: CALL instruction is used to transfer control anywhere in the 4M memory space
I/O Port Programming and Addressing Modes
1. In AVR, which registers are there for the I/O programming of ports?
b) PIN
c) DDR
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
2. The data will not go from the port registers to the pin unless:
a) DDR register of that port is set to 0
b) PORT register of that port is set to 1
c) DDR register of that port is set to 1
d) PORT register of that port is set to 0
Answer: DDR register of that port is set to 1
3. On reset DDR registers of all ports are set to:
a) 0
b) 1
c) None of the mentioned
d) 0 & 1
Answer: 0
4. Which of the following statements are correct?
a) PIN register of a port is used to bring data into CPU from pins
b) PORT register is used to send data out to pins
c) DDR register is used to control the direction of a port
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
5. In the AVR family, all I/O ports have 8 pins?
a) true
b) false
c) none of the mentioned
d) can’t be determined
Answer: false
6. Which of the following is not a single bit instruction in AVR?
a) SBI
c) CBI
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: PORT
7. Which of the following is correct about the SBIS instruction?
a) it is used to monitor status of bit in I/O register
b) it is a byte oriented instruction
c) It is a 4 byte instruction
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: it is used to monitor status of bit in I/O register
8. Instruction CBI PORTB,1 means
a) clearing the PORTB register
b) clearing the first bit of the PORTB register
c) setting the PORTB register
d) setting the first bit of the PORTB register
Answer: clearing the first bit of the PORTB register
9. Which of the following instruction can be used to toggle a bit of the PORT?
a) SBI
b) CBI
c) SBI & CBI
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: SBI & CBI
10. What is the main function of the SBIC instruction?
a) it is used to clear a particular bit of a port
b) it is used to jump unconditionally
c) it is used to skip the instruction if a particular bit of a port is zero
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: it is used to skip the instruction if a particular bit of a port is zero
Arithmetic and Logic Instructions
1. In AVR microcontrollers, ADD instruction affects the status of which of the following bits of a status register?
a) Z
b) C
c) N
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
2. ADC instruction is used for?
a) addition of two 16 bit numbers
b) analog to digital conversion
c) automatic digital control
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: addition of two 16 bit numbers
3. AVR supports which of the following mentioned subtraction instructions?
a) SUB
b) SBC
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
4. What steps are involved when we subtract two numbers present at two different locations?
a) take the two’s complement of the subtrahend
b) add it to the minuend
c) invert the carry
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
5. In executing subtraction based instructions, state the role of the C flag?
a) if C=1, the result is negative
b) if C=1, the result is positive
c) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: if C=1, the result is negative
6. Which of the following is correct about the MUL instruction?
a) it is a byte-by-byte multiplication instruction
b) the product is stored in two registers R1 and R0
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
7. In AVR, when is the V flag set?
a) there is a carry from D7 bit
b) there is a carry from D6 to D7 bit
c) when carry is generated only from D6 to D7 or carry is generated only from D7
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: when carry is generated only from D6 to D7 or carry is generated only from D7
8. To set the bits of a register R1 to 1, we must OR the contents of the register with?
a) 00H
b) 11H
c) FFH
d) 0FH
Answer: FFH
9. CP instruction alters the value of the register?
a) true
b) false
c) none of the mentioned
d) can’t be said
Answer: false
10. What is right about the ROR instruction?
a) it rotates the contents of the register left to right
b) it rotates the contents of the register from right to left
c) it rotates the contents of the register from left to right through carry
d) it rotates the contents of the register from right to left through carry
Answer: it rotates the contents of the register from left to right through carry
Timer Programming
1. In AVR, which of the following registers are not used for programming timers?
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: TCON
2. What is the use of the prescalar in the operation of the timer?
a) for fast calculations
b) for increasing the time delay given by the timer by decreasing its frequency of operation
c) for removing the concept the reloading of count
d) for easy counter operations
Answer: for increasing the time delay given by the timer by decreasing its frequency of operation
3. What modes are generally used in the operation of the timer0?
a) Normal mode
b) CTC mode
c) PWM mode
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
4. Timer 0 can act as a counter ____________
a) if the CS02-CS00 are 110 or 111
b) if the FOC0 bit is set to 110
c) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: if the CS02-CS00 are 110 or 111
5. Which of the timer can operate in the 16 bit condition?
a) timer0
b) timer1
c) timer2
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: timer1
6. Which of the following will generate the maximum time delay?
a) f/2
b) f/4
c) f/16
d) f/32
Answer: f/32
7. What is the difference in the operation of a normal and a CTC mode of a timer?
a) in CTC mode PWM is used
b) here serial timer is monitored
c) in CTC mode, timer counts up until contents of TCNT register becomes equal to the contents of OCR
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: in CTC mode, timer counts up until contents of TCNT register becomes equal to the contents of OCR
8. We can count the pulses on the positive or the negative edge triggered pulse of the clock?
a) true
b) false
c) can’t be determined
d) depends on the circumstances
Answer: true
9. Which pin is used for the input clock of the counter0?
a) PORTB.0
b) PORTB.1
c) PORTB.2
d) PORTB.3
Answer: PORTB.0
10. Which resource provides the clock pulse to AVR timers if CS02-00=6?
a) internal clock of the AVR
b) external clock of the AVR
c) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: external clock of the AVR
Interrupt Programming
1. On reset, what are the contents of the SREG register?
a) 00h
b) ffh
c) 1fh
d) 11h
Answer: 00h
2. TIMSK register is used for?
a) knowing the status of the timer count
b) used for masking the interrupts flags of the Timer0, Timer1 and Timer2
c) it is used for enabling all the timer interrupts
d) it is used for resetting the value of the interrupts
Answer: used for masking the interrupts flags of the Timer0, Timer1 and Timer2
3. Why RETI instruction be the last instruction of ISR?
a) because it returns with carry
b) because it returns to the main program with all the flags of the SREG raised
c) because it returns to the main program where interrupt is generated and set the global interrupt enable bit in SREG
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: because it returns to the main program where interrupt is generated and set the global interrupt enable bit in SREG
4. In AVR what is the ISR address for an external hardware interrupt?
a) 0002h
b) 0004h
c) 0006h
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
5. What is the address in the interrupt service routine assigned for the timer0 overflow flag?
a) 0012h
b) 000Ah
c) 0016h
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: 0016h
6. Is the same address is assigned for the timer0 and timer1 overflow flag in the interrupt vector table of the interrupts?
a) true
b) false
c) can’t be determined
d) depends on the situation
Answer: false
7. External hardware interrupts are assigned to which pins of the atmega32?
a) PORTD.2
b) PORTD.3
c) PORTB.2
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
8. Which register is responsible for handling all the external hardware interrupts?
Answer: GICR
9. By default, INT0-INT2 interrupts are?
a) edge triggered
b) level triggered
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: level triggered
10. What will happen in that condition, if an interrupt occurs while the microcontroller is serving any other interrupt?
a) both the interrupts will be handled simultaneously
b) the interrupt which is being done first will be served first
c) the interrupt that is more priority in the interrupt vector table will be served first
d) the interrupt having low priority in the interrupt vector table will be served first
Answer: the interrupt that is more priority in the interrupt vector table will be served first
Serial Port Communication
1. What actually are the DB9, DB25 ports available in our computers?
a) they are connectors used to transfer data either serially or parallelly
b) they are the RS232 connectors used to connect two incompatible devices
c) they are the TTL logic connector pins used for communication
d) they are just data transfer pins used to transfer the data
Answer: they are the RS232 connectors used to connect two incompatible devices
2. What does RI handshaking signal refer to according to the RS232 logic?
a) if this logic is high then a receive interrupt is generated
b) this pin is high during transmission
c) this pin is high during a reception in order to tell that the device is busy at this particular time
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: this pin is high during a reception in order to tell that the device is busy at this particular time
3. What is the major difference between a MAX232 and a MAX233 device?
a) one has one serial port other has two
b) one has inbuilt UART other doesn’t have that
c) one needs some additional circuitry to operate while the other doesn’t have that
d) one is used just for transmission while the other is used for both transmission as well as reception
Answer: one needs some additional circuitry to operate while the other doesn’t have that
4. Which of the following is correct about the baud rate during serial transmission?
a) it tells us about the speed at which the transmission is going to place
b) it tells us about the number of bits transferred during a second
c) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
5. With fosc=8 MHz, what will the count that has to filled in the UBRR register to account for the 9600 baud rate?
a) 67H
b) CEH
c) 33H
d) 34H
Answer: 33H
6. The USART in AVR based microcontrollers operate at which of the following modes?
a) double speed asynchronous mode
b) master synchronous
c) slave synchronous
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
7. Which bit of the UCSRA is used for doubling the baud rate of the transmission?
a) DOR
b) PE
c) U2X
Answer: U2X
8. What is the use of the PE and the FE bits of the UCSRA register?
a) they are used for keeping a check at the speed of transmission and reception
b) they are used for keeping a check at the data bits to be transferred
c) they are used to keep the transmission error free
d) they are used as extra redundant bits with no use
Answer: they are used to keep the transmission error free
9. Which of the following bits are used for setting the data frame size?
a) UCSZ0
b) U2X
c) DOR
Answer: UCSZ0
10. Which of the following parameters should the transmitter and the receiver agree upon before starting a serial transmission?
a) baud rate
b) frame size
c) stop bit
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: all of the mentioned
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