Logical Function Blocks available in DCS

Logical Function Blocks available in DCS Generally in DCS Functional Block Diagram (FBD) is used for programming and Sequential Flow Charts (SFC) is preferred for batch control applications. Functional Block Diagram (FBD) This language basically is a graphical language wherein the users are allowed to program elements in the form of blocks. The blocks then can be wired together like electrical circuits. It describes a function between input and output variables. It is a graphical method of programming DCS. Functional algorithms and control strategies for a particular plant can be implemented by FBD. The control modules are treated as unique entity in DCS system. Each function block contains specific algorithm such as AI, AO, DI, DO, PID and the parameters required for the algorithm. Function blocks ranges from simple input conversion block to a complex control strategy. Generally available Function blocks are Input/ Output (I/O) Math Logical Timer/ Counter Analog Control Advanced ...