Reliability multiple choice questions
Reliability 1. In parallel configuration of five components, the entire system will fail if _____ a) any two components fail b) any three components fail c) all the components fail d) any one components fail Answer: all the components fail 2. System reliability for components kept in series _______ as the number of components increases. a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains unchanged d) Cannot be determined Answer: Decreases 3. Reliability is the probability of a system or service to perform its intended function satisfactorily over a specific period of time under specific conditions. a) True b) False Answer: True 4. Reliability is a measure of how quality changes over time. a) True b) False Answer: True 5. What does the graph of ‘bathtub curve’ represent? a) Failure rate v/s Mean b) Failure rate v/s Time c) Failure rate v/s Distance d) Failure rate v/s Velocity Answer: Failure rate v/s Time 6. The life-test sample plans that are terminated when a pre-assigned number of failures occur