Condensers and Cooling Towers Multiple Choice Questions with Answers
Condensers and Cooling Towers Multiple Choice Questions with Answers
Condensers Multiple Choice Questions
1. The function of a condenser in a thermal power plant is__________.
a) to act as a reservoir to receive steam for the turbine
b) to condense steam into condensate to be reused again
c) to create a vacuum
d) all of these
Answer: all of these
2. A condenser condenses the steam coming out from___________.
a) Boiler
b) Turbine
c) Economiser
d) Super heater.
Answer: Turbine
3. Spray ponds are used to cool the warm water coming from the condenser in ________
a) Large power plants
b) Small power plants
c) Medium power plants
d) Both medium and large power plants.
Answer: Small power plants
4. Water used in the steam plant is used for cooling in_______________.
a) Condenser
b) Turbine only
c) Boiler tube
d) Boiler tubes and turbines
Answer: Condenser
5. What is use of the air pumps in the condenser?
a) Remove water
b) Air leaking in the condenser and to maintain the vacuum.
c) Maintain atmospheric pressure and the condenser.
d) Both (a) & (b).
Answer: Air leaking in the condenser and to maintain the vacuum.
6. Which is the jet type condenser?
a) Parallel flow
b) Central flow
c) Down flow
d) Inverted flow
Answer: Parallel flow
7. Which of the following is the simplest method of cooling the condenser water?
a) Spray cooling pond
b) Cooling tower
c) Indirect air cooling
d) Hyperbolic cooling tower
Answer: Spray cooling pond
8. Why is induced draught considered better than the forced draught?
a) Because power requirement is high for forced draught
b) Maintenance of induced draught fan is costlier
c) Forced draught is less efficient
d) Forced dra ug ht produces less amount of speed of air
Answer: Because power requirement is high for forced draught
9. Which of the following is required for a steam condensing plant?
a) Conde ns er
b) Condensate pump
c) Air extraction pump
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
10. Evaporative type of condenser has
a) Water in pipes surrounded by steam outside.
b) Steam and cooling water mixed to give the condensate.
c) Steam in pipes surrounded by water.
d) None of the above.
Answer: Steam in pipes surrounded by water.
11. A condenser where circulating water flows through tubes which are surrounded by steam is known as
a) Surface condenser
b) Jet condenser
c) Barometric condenser
d) Evaporative condenser
Answer: Surface condenser
12. The ratio of actual vacuum to the ideal vacuum in a condenser is called
a) Condenser efficiency
b) Vacuum ef fi ciency
c) Boiler efficiency
d) Nozzle efficiency
Answer: Vacuum ef fi ciency
13. A condenser in a steam power plant is
a) the increases expansion ratio of steam
b) reduces back pressure of steam
c) reduce the temperature of exhaust steam
d) all of these
Answer: all of these
14. In the steam condens ing plant the pump used to send condensate to the boiler as feed water is
a) air extraction pump
b) condensate extraction pump
c) circulating cooling pump
d) boiler feed pump
Answer: boiler feed pump
15. In a closed vessel when the steam and air mixture is filled, the total pressure of the mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressure of air and the partial pressure of s team is
a) critical pressure
b) nozzle efficiency
c) dalton law of partial pressure
d) vacuum efficiency
Answer: dalton law of partial pressure
16. In jet condenser, cooling water and the steam condensed come in _____ contact.
a) indirect
b) direct
c) both d ir ect and indirect
d) none of the given
Answer: direct
Cooling Towers Multiple Choice Questions
1. In practice, the Common efficiency range achieved in the cooling tower is
a) 98 to 100 %
b) 90 to 95 %
c) 95 to 98 %
d) 70 to 75 %
Answer: 70 to 75 %
2. Range of the cooling tower is
a) difference between cold water outlet temperature and wet bulb temperature
b) difference between hot water inlet temperature and wet bulb temperature
c) difference between hot water inlet temperature and cold water outlet temperature
d) difference between atmoshpheric temperature and wet bulb temperature
Answer: difference between hot water inlet temperature and cold water outlet temperature
3. Factors influencing cooling tower performance is
a) cooling range
b) ambient wet bulb temperature
c) the flow of water-cooled
d) all of these
Answer: all of these
4. Purpose of louver is
a) to change the direction of air inlet flow in the uniform manner
b) to prevent the water droplets splashing out of the tower
c) both of the above
d) none of the above
Answer: both of the above
5. Approach of a cooling tower is
a) difference between cold water outlet temperature and wet bulb temperature
b) difference between hot water inlet temperature and wet bulb temperature
c) difference between hot water inlet temperature and cold water outlet temperature
d) difference between atmoshpheric temperature an d wet bulb temp erature
Answer: difference between cold water outlet temperature and wet bulb temperature
6. Purpose of drift eliminator is
a) to reduce the entrainment of water droplets in air
b) to prevent the water droplets splashing out of the tower
c) to provide the required surface area for heat transfer
d) all of these
Answer: to reduce the entrainment of water droplets in air
7. Purpose of cooling tower basin is
a) to serve as receptacle for cooled water
b) to provide the storage capacity during makeup water failure
c) to act as a reservoir for the cooling water pumps
d) all of these
Answer: all of these
8. The purpose of the fill is
a) to prevent the water droplets from splashin g ou t of the tower
b) to provide the required surface area for heat transfer between air and the water
c) to reduce the entrainment of water droplets in the air
d) to change the direction of air inlet flow in a uniform manner
Answer: to provide the required surface area for heat transfer between air and the water
9. The type of cooling tower used in power plants is
a) hyperbolic natural draft towers
b) forced draft counterflow towers
c) induced draft counterflow towers
d) dry towers
Answer: hyperbolic natural draft towers
10. Cooling towers operate on the principle of
a) Evaporative cooling (Merkel Theory)
b) Henry's law
c) Stefan-Boltzmann Law
d) All of these
Answer: Evaporative cooling (Merkel Theory)
11. A better performance indicator of the cooling tower is its
a) dry bulb temperature
b) approach
c) range
d) wet bulb temperature
Answer: wet bulb temperature
12. Natural draft or hyperbolic towers have been used for
a) large capacity of water
b) small capacity of water
c) high efficiency
d) low capital cost
Answer: large capacity of water
13. In crossflow cooling tower the air moves ___________through the fill across the downward fall of the water.
a) horizontally
b) inclined
c) vertically upward
d) vertically d ow nward
Answer: horizontally
14. In ___________cooling arrangement the air is blown through and the fans are located at the bottom
a) forced draught
b) induced draught
c) both induced and forced draught
d) none of these
Answer: forced draught
15. Forced draft cooling towers have the following disadvantages.
a) High maintenance
b) Susceptible to water leaks
c) High fan size
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
16. In__________cooling arrangement, the air is blown through and the fans are located at the top.
a) forced draught
b) induced draught
c) both induced and forced draught
d) none of the above
Answer: induced draught
17. Select the disadvantage of the cooling pond out of the given below.
a) The area required for cooling in a cooling pond is small
b) Spray losses due to evaporation and wi nd age run high
c) There is no control over the temperature of cooled water
d) The cooling efficiency is low compared with cooling water
Answer: There is no control over the temperature of cooled water
18. In which type of cooling pond system are nozzles arranged at the same elevation?
a) Single deck system
b) Double-deck system
c) Natural Flow system
d) Direct flow system
Answer: Single deck system
19. What type of cooling system is used in large power plants?
a) Cooling ponds
b) Natural flow system
c) Cooling towers
d) Single deck system
Answer: Cooling towers
20. What is used in the direct flow system to transverse the pond before uniting at intake?
a) Separators
b) Filters
c) Baffle walls
d) Porous pipes
Answer: Baffle walls
21. In which type of cooling system are nozzles arranged on different elevations?
a) Single deck system
b) Double-deck system
c) Natural Flow system
d) Direct flow system
Answer: Double-deck system
22. How is air produced in mechanical draught cooling tower?
a) Air Tuyeres
b) Propeller fans
c) Air blowers
d) Louvre
Answer: Propeller fans
23. How does the flow of air occur in natural draught cooling towers?
a) Natural pressure head density between cold outside air and humid inside air
b) Variation in pressure of both cold outside air and humid inside air
c) Due to the given a ir vents and vacuum ports
d) Because of difference in the volume of both the of airs
Answer: Natural pressure head density between cold outside air and humid inside air
24. In__________cooling arrangement, the air is blown through and the fans are located at the top.
a) forced draught
b) induced draught
c) both induced and forced draught
d) none of the above
Answer: induced draught
25. Purpose of cooling tower basin is ________.
a) to serve as receptacle for cooled water
b) to provide the storage capacity during makeup water failure
c) to act as a reservoir for the cooling water pumps
d) all of these
Answer: all of these
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