Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on IOT Data

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on IOT Data 

1. rostopic delay will provide delay for ___________
a) Topics which has header
b) Topics which has tail
c) Topics which has tail and head
d) To all topics
Answer: Topics which has header

2. The message is sent to the input queue of a message flow that contains a _________
a) Subscriber
b) Server
c) Publication node
d) Client
Answer: Client

3. Dweet. io is used for __________
a) Sharing data
b) Storage
c) Publishing data
d) Alerting devices
Answer: Publishing data

4. freeboard. io itself defines as ________
a) Data based service
b) Fog based service
c) Cloud based service
d) Signals based service
Answer: Cloud based service

5. Publish command message is sent from _________
a) Only publisher to broker
b) Only broker to publisher
c) Publisher to broker and broker to publisher
d) Server to client
Answer: Publisher to broker and broker to publisher

6. GUID full form is ___________
a) Global Unique Identifier
b) Global User Identifier
c) Gradual User Identifier
d) Gradual Unique Identifier
Answer: Global Unique Identifier

7. The processing of publishing data is called as __________
a) Yocto
b) Thing
c) Dweepy
d) Dweeting
Answer: Dweeting

8. Freeboard. io allows us to build ________
a) Application
b) Dashboard
c) Device
d) Output
Answer: Dashboard

9. MQTT stands for _____________
a) MQ Telemetry Things
b) MQ Transport Telemetry
c) MQ Transport Things
d) MQ Telemetry Transport
Answer: MQ Telemetry Things

10. MDM is focused on _________
a) Laptops
b) Tablets
c) Both phones and tablets
d) Phones
Answer: Both phones and tablets

11. Mobile cloud computing at its simplest refers to an __________
a) Intervention
b) Internet
c) Infrastructure
d) Intervention & Internet
Answer: Infrastructurel

12. dweet. io is similar as __________
b) Insta
c) Web api
d) Twitter
Answer: Twitter

13. The architecture of MCC is such that various mobile devices are connected to their respective mobile networks via __________
a) Software
b) Satellite
c) Access point
d) Base Station
Answer: Base Station

14. End Point Protection primarily focused around deployment on _________
a) Laptops
b) Desktops
c) Both laptops and desktops
d) Phones
Answer: Both laptops and desktops

15. CPP embraces sharing of data between ____________
a) Devices
b) Users
c) Both devices and users
d) Cloud and Devices
Answer: Both devices and users

16. IaaS stands for __________
a) Infrastructure as a Service
b) Infrastructure as a Software
c) Internet as a Service
d) Internet as a Software
Answer: Infrastructure as a Service

17. SaaS stands for __________
a) Service as a Smartphone
b) Service as a software
c) Smartphone as a service
d) Software as a Service
Answer: Software as a Service

18. PaaS stands as __________
a) Platform as a Software
b) Photo as a service
c) Platform as a Service
d) Photo as a Software
Answer: Platform as a Service

19. Offloading decision depends upon __________ to be offloaded.
a) Size of application
b) Threshold value
c) Critical value
d) Dynamic value
Answer: Size of application

20. QoE stands for _________
a) Quality of Energy
b) Quality of Experience
c) Quality of Envelop
d) Quality of Encryption

21. OAD stands for ___________
a) Optimal Application Distribution
b) Orientational Application Distribution
c) Orientation Application Development
d) Optimal Application Development
Answer: Optimal Application Distribution

22. Any tool providing _________ process must provide management and configuration for cloud services.
a) Top-down and bottom-up
b) Enrichment of Topology specification
c) Management and Configuration
d) Support of different Migration types
Answer: Management and Configuration

23. The policy obtained by running logistic regression is enforced by _________ module.
a) Device/cloud section
b) Only device
c) Only Cloud
d) Cost function
Answer: Device/cloud section

24. In order to re- distribute an application _________ process has to support all cloud native and non cloud native applications.
a) Top-down and bottom-up
b) Enrichment of Topology specification
c) Management and Configuration
d) Support of different Migration types
Answer: Support of different Migration types

25. The part of the code which involves complex computations and requires more time to execute is referred to as __________
a) Static session
b) Threshold session
c) Dynamic session
d) Critical session
Answer: Critical session

26. The RAE learns the _________ algorithm to learn the most cost effective policy.
a) Logistic Regression
b) Device/cloud algorithm
c) QoE algorithm
d) Anatomous algorithm
Answer: Logistic Regression

27. Software that address the data protection is divided into _________ Segments.
a) 1 segment
b) 2 segments
c) 4 segments
d) 3 segments
Answer: 3 segments

28. In __________ offloading application is partitioned during development.
a) Static offloading
b) Dynamic offloading
c) Threshold offloading
d) Critical offloading
Answer: Static offloading

29. EPP approach favours _________ data into the device.
a) UnLocking
b) Locking
c) Blocking
d) Unblocking
Answer: Locking

30. It enables _________ use of mobile devices without requiring the lockdown of data.
a) own-device
b) controlling
c) sharing of data
d) bring-your-own-device
Answer: bring-your-own-device

31. dweet. io provides __________ to send data from IoT devices.
c) Web API
Answer: Web API

32. The mechanism of the RAE is _________ which can be deployed on each device and cloud.
a) QoE
b) Logistic regression
c) Anatomous agent
d) Device/cloud
Answer: Anatomous agent

33. MQTT is _________ protocol.
a) Machine to Machine
b) Internet of Things
c) Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
d) Machine Things
Answer: Machine to Machine and Internet of Things

34. PubNub publishes and subscribes _________ in order to send and receive messages.
a) Network
b) Account
c) Portal
d) Keys
Answer: Keys

35. The messageChannel class declares the _________ class attribute that defines the key string.
a) command_key
b) command-key
c) commandkey
d) Key_command
Answer: command_key

36. ROSTOPIC uses _________ at the command line for representing the content of the message.
a) YAML_syntax
b) rostopic bw
c) rostopic delay
d) rostopic echo
Answer: YAML_syntax

37. Mobile Cloud applications move the __________ Power and __________ away from mobile phone and into cloud.
a) Computing and internet
b) Data storage and computing
c) Computing and data storage
d) Internet and computing
Answer: Computing and data storage

38. _________ complicates _________ and _________
a) MDM, EPP and CPP
b) EPP, CPP and MDM
c) MDM, CPP and EPP
d) CPP, EPP and MDM
Answer: CPP, EPP and MDM

39. _________ and _________ saves the publish and subscribe keys that we have generated with the PubNub Admin portal.
a) public_key and subscribe_key
b) Public-key and subscribe-key
c) publickey and subscribekey
d) Key_public and key_subscribe
Answer: public_key and subscribe_key

40. ________ Command is used to retrieve the latest dweet made for our thing.
b) HTTPie
c) cURL
d) RESTful API
Answer: HTTPie

41. _________ consumers investing in general data protection needs in multiple dimensions.
a) Normal
b) Business
c) Office
d) Third Party
Answer: Business

42. __________ is defined as delay between the offloading and final result.
a) Latency rate
b) Network Bandwidth
c) Heterogeneity
d) Migration Cost
Answer: Latency rate

43. _________ segment contributing to protection of data on device.
a) Endpoint Protection
b) Cloud Privacy Protection
c) Mobile Device Management
d) Cloud
Answer: Endpoint Protection

44. _________ segment indicates protection for device integrity.
a) Endpoint Protection
b) Cloud Privacy Protection
c) Mobile Device Management
d) Cloud
Answer: Endpoint Protection

45. __________ is the minimum value which an application shall exceed to be offloaded.
a) Static value
b) Critical value
c) Threshold value
d) Dynamic value
Answer: Threshold value

46. _________ is concerned with management of mobile.
a) Endpoint Protection
b) Cloud Privacy Protection
c) Mobile Device Management
d) Cloud
Answer: Mobile Device Management

47. _____________ Depends upon the amount of the code being offloaded.
a) Latency rate
b) Network Bandwidth
c) Heterogeneity
d) Migration Cost
Answer: Network Bandwidth

48. _________ enables the use of cloud sync and storage.
a) Inevitable movement of data
b) Encryption
c) Wrapping
d) Controlling
Answer: Inevitable movement of data

49. __________ reduces the development and running cost of mobile applications on smartphone devices.
a) Infrastructure
b) Productive business
c) Software
d) Services
Answer: Productive business

50.6 __________ network environment means changing connection status.
a) Static offloading
b) Dynamic offloading
c) Threshold offloading
d) Critical offloading
Answer: Dynamic offloading.

51. _________ is the weighted sum of resource state, network, and cpu.
a) Logistic Regression
b) Cloud
c) Device
d) Cost function
Answer: Cost function

52. _________ enables the application developer to enhance the application design.
a) Cloud Blueprint
b) TOSCA standard
c) Both Cloud blueprint and TOSCA standard
d) Utility function
Answer: Both Cloud blueprint and TOSCA standard

53. _________ process must support the analysis and evaluation of the application topology.
a) Support of different Migration types
b) Enrichment of Topology specification
c) Management and Configuration
d) Top-down and bottom-up
Answer: Top-down and bottom-up

54. _________ process has to support the definition of application topologies in various formats.
a) Top-down and bottom-up
b) Enrichment of Topology specification
c) Management and Configuration
d) Support of different Migration types
Answer: Enrichment of Topology specification

55. _________ process must support the characterization of different adaptation actions.
a) Characterization of adaptation strategies
b) Independence of Architectural Paradigm
c) Support and reaction to application resources
d) Support of hardware
Answer: Characterization of adaptation strategies

56. In _________ the application to be re directional is based on 3-layered architecture.
a) Characterization of adaptation strategies
b) Independence of Architectural Paradigm
c) Support and reaction to application resources
d) Support of hardware
Answer: Independence of Architectural Paradigm

57. As the workload of an application is subjected to fluctuation over time _________ process must support the identification.
a) Characterization of adaptation strategies
b) Independence of Architectural Paradigm
c) Support and reaction to application resources
d) Support of hardware
Answer: Support and reaction to application resources

58. _________ process must consider such characteristics for optimizing the overall application performance.
a) Characterization of adaptation strategies
b) Independence of Architectural Paradigm
c) Support and reaction to application resources
d) Support of hardware
Answer: Support of hardware

59. _________ is used to visualize data collected with the sensor.
a) freeboard. io
b) Dweet. io
c) Dweeting
d) Yocto
Answer: freeboard. io

60. ________ uses a clean interface to provide data.
a) Dashzen
b) Ducksboard
c) Klipfolio
d) Dash
Answer: Dash

61. _________ allows us to control electronic components.
a) RESTful API
Answer: RESTful API

62. _________ method saves the received arguments in three attributes.
a) __Init
b) Init__
c) __Init__
d) _init_
Answer: __Init__

63. _________ specifies the function that will be called when there is a new message received from the channel.
a) Reconnect
b) Error
c) Connect
d) Callback
Answer: Callback

64. _________ specifies the function that will be called on an error event.
a) Callback
b) Error
c) Connect
d) Reconnect
Answer: Error

65. _________ Specifies the function that will be called when a successful connection with the PubNub cloud.
a) Callback
b) Error
c) Connect
d) Reconnect
Answer: Connect

66. _________ specifies the function that will be called when a successful re-connection is completed.
a) Callback
b) Error
c) Connect
d) Reconnect
Answer: Reconnect

67. ___________ specifies the function that will be called when the client disconnects.
a) Callback
b) Error
c) Connect
d) Disconnect
Answer: Disconnect

68. Which command displays messages published to a topic?
a) rostopic bw
b) rostopic delay
c) rostopic echo
d) rostopic hz
Answer: rostopic echo

69. What is the java extension file in IoT?
a) .jar
b) .c
c) .exe
d) .py
Answer: .jar

70. Which command displays the band width?
a) rostopic hz
b) rostopic delay
c) rostopic echo
d) rostopic bw
Answer: rostopic bw

71. Which command finds out the topic?
a) rostopic bw
b) rostopic delay
c) rostopic echo
d) rostopic find
Answer: rostopic find

72. Which application feature is a world of warcraft gadget?
a) Leftronic
b) Ducksboard
c) Klipfolio
d) Dashzen
Answer: Dashzen

73. Which protocol is lightweight?
c) CoAP
d) SPI
Answer: MQTT

74. By clicking which key the PubNub will display public, subscribe, and secret keys.
a) Pane
b) Demo Keyset
c) Portal
d) Network
Answer: Demo Keyset

75. Which application supports Google Spreadsheets?
a) Dashzen
b) Ducksboard
c) Klipfolio
d) Leftronic
Answer: Ducksboard

76. Dictionary here define what?
a) Key-value pairs
c) dweet. io
d) Yocto
Answer: Key-value pairs

77. Which application allows us to build data source against many types of data?
a) Dashzen
b) Ducksboard
c) Klipfolio
d) Leftronic
Answer: Klipfolio

78. How MDM will achieve locking mechanism?
a) Wrapping
b) Controlling
c) Both wrapping and controlling
d) Encryption
Answer: Both wrapping and controlling

79. Which application allows a number of unique background images?
a) Dashzen
b) Ducksboard
c) Klipfolio
d) Leftronic
Answer: Ducksboard

80. The visual view displays what?
a) Pie graph
b) Bar graph
c) Line graph
d) Histograms
Answer: Line graph

81. What utility of dweet. io allows publishing data?
a) Data sharing
b) Publishing data
c) Storage
d) Alerting devices
Answer: Data sharing

82. Do we run our program in the same computer where we have written?
a) True
b) False
c) May or may not
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: May or may not

83. Dweepy is a simple python client for dweet. io.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

84. Is mobile device management similar to that of end point protection with respect to locking?
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

85. Does user has authority for all topics.
a) True
b) False
Answer: False

86. Dash supports static images.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

87. MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

88. Privacy protection solution was proposed with KP-ABE and CP-ABE.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

89. MCC stands for Mobile Cloud Computation.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

90. Gauge will display the latest value that is running in the board.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
