Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on IOT Rasberry Pi

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on  IOT Rasberry Pi

1. The Raspberry Pi is defined as the __________
a) Micro Computer
b) Mega Computer
c) Mini computer
d) Nano Computer
Answer: Mini computer

2. Raspbian is __________
a) Assembler
b) Language
c) Compiler
d) OS
Answer: OS

3. Raspberry Pi consists of a _______ quad-core processor or microprocessor.
a) 16-bit
b) 32-bit
c) 64-bit
d) 128-bit
Answer: 64-bit

4. The Raspberry Pi has a __________ interface to allow it to perform serial data communications.
c) I2C
d) SPI
Answer: UART

5. How many USB ports are present in Raspberry Pi 3?
a) 5
b) 2
c) 4
d) 3
Answer: 4

6. What bit processor is used in Pi 3?
a) 64-bit
b) 32-bit
c) 128-bit
d) Both 64 and 32 bit
Answer: 64-bit

7. What is the speed of operation in Pi 3?
a) 900MHz
b) 1.2GHz
c) 1GHz
d) 500MHz
Answer: 1.2GHz

8. What is the Ethernet/LAN cable used in RPi?
a) Cat5
b) Cat5e
c) Cat6
d) RJ45
Answer: RJ45

9. How many Input/Output pins on board Raspberry Pi3 has?
a) 20
b) 30
c) 40
d) 50
Answer: 40

10. How much RAM, the Raspberry Pi has?
a) 2GiB of RAM
b) 1GiB of RAM
c) 4GiB of RAM
d) 8GiB of RAM
Answer: 1GiB of RAM

11. What is the maximum peripheral current draw allowed in Raspberry Pi 3? 
a) 1200 mA
b) 700 mA
c) 500 mA
d) 100 mA
Answer: 1200 mA

12. What does GPIO stand for?
a) General Purpose Inner Outer Propeller
b) General Purpose Input Output Pins
c) Generally Powered Input Output Pins
d) General Purpose Input Output Processor
Answer: General Purpose Input Output Pins

13. What do we use to connect TV to RPi?
a) Male HDMI
b) Female HDMI
c) Male HDMI and Adapter
d) Female HDMI and Adapter
Answer: Male HDMI and Adapter

14. Data collected by Raspberry Pi from the sensor can be
a) Processed in Raspberry Pi
b) Sent to other devices connected to the network
c) Used to control/activate other devices in the network
d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above

15. Which operating system Raspberry Pi has?
b) OpenBSD
c) NetBSD
d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above

16. How power supply is done to RPi?
a) USB connection
b) Internal battery
c) Charger
d) Adapter
Answer: USB connection

17. What are the mode(s) used for addressing the pins in Raspberry Pi? 
b) BCM
Answer: BOARD & BCM

18. What are the parameters that are default values?
a) Port_Name and Bits
b) Speed and Port_Names
c) Speed and Parity
d) Stop bit and Flow Control
Answer: Speed and Port_Names

19. The BCM 14 pin of Raspberry Pi is
a) Physical pin 8
c) Transmitter pin
d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above

20. What is the command used for easy using of GNU screen?
a) $useradd -G {dialout} your_name
b) Screen Port_Name115200
c) Minicom -b 115200 -o -D Port_Name
d) Prompt> # help
Answer: Screen Port_Name115200

21. The Raspberry Pi is defined as the?
a) Mini computer
b) Micro Computer
c) Mega Computer
d) Nano Computer
Answer: Mini computer

22. Which instruction set architecture is used in Raspberry Pi?
a) X86
b) MSP
c) AVR
d) ARM
Answer: ARM

23. Which instruction set is used in Raspberry Pi?
d) None of these mentioned
Answer: MIPS

24. Which of the following variants of Raspberry Pi has an inbuilt wi-fi?
a) Raspberry Pi 2
b) Raspberry Pi 3
c) Raspberry Pi A+
d) Raspberry Pi Zero
Answer: Raspberry Pi 3

25. Which of the following is not a types of Raspberry Pi?
a) Raspberry Pi Alternatives
b) Raspberry Pi Zero W
c) Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
d) Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+
Answer: Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+

26. What is the default user in Debain on Raspberry Pi?
a) Default
b) User
c) Pi
d) Root
Answer: Pi

27. What do we use to connect TV to RPi?
a) Male HDMI
b) Female HDMI
c) Male HDMI and Adapter
d) Female HDMI and Adapter
Answer: Male HDMI and Adapter

28. What are the distributions are supported by raspberry Pi?
a) Arch Linux
b) Debain
c) Fedora Remix
d) Arch Linux, Debain, and Fedora Remix
Answer: Arch Linux, Debain, and Fedora Remix

29. Which of the following is true?
a) It is considered superior at software applications.
b) It was developed to encourage basic learning for computer science students and other growing countries.
c) It promotes Scratch and Python as the chief programming language
d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above

30. WiFi is not present in which of the following models?
a) Raspberry Pi3
b) Raspberry Pi Zero WH
c) Raspberry Pi Zero W
d) Raspberry Pi Zero
Answer: Raspberry Pi Zero

31. What are the parameters that are default values?
a) Port_Name and Bits
b) Speed and Port_Names
c) Speed and Parity
d) Stop bit and Flow Control
Answer: Speed and Port_Names

32. Does micro SD card present in all modules?
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

33. Does Raspberry Pi need external hardware?
a) True
b) False
Answer: False

34. Does RPi have an internal memory?
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

GPIO stand for General Purpose Input Output Pins
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

Questions & Answers on IOT Raspberry Pi

1. How is Raspberry Pi used in IoT?
Answer: Raspberry Pi can be used as a platform to develop many Internet of Things project. It is simple to use Raspberry Pi because it uses Linux OS in a small card like a computer. It is also available in low cost. IoT, on the other hand, refers to a network of devices and software that help us to connect and exchange data. Raspberry Pi is easy to set up, so it is recommended for IoT.

2. What is Raspberry Pi?
Answer: Raspberry Pi is a microcomputer that we can connect with any keyboard, mouse or a monitor. Raspberry Pi is able to perform all tasks like creating word documents, spreadsheet, browsing, coding, games and much more. It is a tiny Linux computer that is used by many companies for performing all computer-based activities, learning and electronic projects. The Raspberry Pi uses a 32 bit ARM processor and was first developed by Raspberry Pi Foundation. The low cost makes it more popular among young people.

3. What are the generations of Raspberry Pi available?
Answer: Starting from Raspberry Pi Zero, there have been many improvements in the versions. Raspberry Pi 1, Pi 2, Pi 3 are available and A, A+, B indicate the power consumption.

4. How does the Raspberry Pi work?
Answer: The memory card slot is used for inserting an SD card that acts as the hardware of Raspberry Pi. The USB port, HDMI port, and the audio/video port help us connect with a monitor, TV or any other device. This is how Raspberry Pi is capable of working anytime and anywhere. The processor gives the correct speed for running our computer programs all the time.

5. What is the language used by Raspberry Pi?
Answer: Raspberry Pi uses Python as its official programming language. Python is one of the most user-friendly programming language used. It is also preferred by many companies for system development. Raspberry Pi helps us to quickly release our projects with Python. Raspberry Pi is preloaded with Python which has comprehensive syntax.

6. What are the different components of a Raspberry Pi board?
Answer: The Raspberry Pi board contains a 700 or 900 MHz processor with a minimum memory provision of 128 MB. It has an additional slot for memory card too. There is a graphics set up, USB port for connecting keyboard or mouse. Raspberry Pi comes along with an audio or video output option to connect your monitor. There is an HDMI port too for connecting with TV.

7. What are GPIO Pins used in Raspberry Pi boards?
Answer: GPIO is the acronym for General Purpose Input Output Pin. They are more like switches on the board that gives an output voltage when high and give no voltage when turned to low. This is used in the Raspberry Pi boards to make an interface between the Raspberry Pi and all the components of the board. This enables multiple interactions and makes internal properties of devices easily available on board.

8. What is the NOOBS software all about?
Answer: NOOBS or New Out Of The Box Software is used for initializing Raspberry Pi for the first time. This is the easiest way possible to install Raspberry Pi anywhere. It requires no additional access for network or any imaging software. To set up Raspberry Pi, we need the NOOBS zip file which is to be downloaded. After that we can insert an SD card, connect Monitor, keyboard or mouse and start using Raspberry Pi.

9. Can Raspberry Pi be used as a server?
Answer: Yes, like we use Raspberry Pi for the desktop we can use it for the server as well. Raspberry Pi allows us to utilise it like a Web server that can help us create a simple site or even store data in the cloud. This can be accessed at any time. We can develop new templates without paying any monthly hosting fee. Raspberry Pi is thus an affordable web server too. This is very suitable for small business and for people who want to learn easy web languages.

10. How is Raspberry Pi different from Arduino?
Answer: Raspberry Pi uses Linux OS and is a general purpose microcomputer. It is capable of running multiple programs at a time, while the Arduino is a simple microcomputer that is capable of running one program only.

11. How can you measure power consumption used by Raspberry Pi?
Answer: The power consumption for Raspberry Pi varies from model to model. However, it is relatively low than a complete computer system. It can be measured using a multimeter.

12. What is the maximum screen resolution output of Raspberry Pi?
Answer: 1920x1080

13. What is the power requirement for Raspberry Pi model B?
Answer: The power requirement for Raspberry Pi model B is 700 mA

14. How many types of display does Raspberry Pi supports?
Answer: Raspberry Pi supports 3 types of display

15. Which Debian's tool is used for partition resizing?
Answer: raspi-config is used for partition resizing

16. How many accounts are configured in Debian by default, for Raspberry Pi?
Answer:  Basically there are 2 configured in Debian by default.

17. What all distributions are supported by Raspberry Pi
Answer: Debian

18. Explain Raspberry Pi
Answer: Raspberry Pi is a computer which is capable of doing all the operations like a conventional computer. It has other features such as onboard WiFi, GPIO pins, and Bluetooth in order to communicate with external things.

19. How to run Raspberry pi in headless mode?
Answer: Raspberry pi in headless mode can be run by using SSH. The latest operating system has an inbuilt VNC server that is installed for taking remote desktop on Raspberry Pi.

20. List available models in Raspberry Pi
Answer: Models of Raspberry Pi are:
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Model A
Raspberry Pi Zero
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 1model A+
Raspberry Pi Zero W
Raspberry Pi 2

21. List available wireless communications boards available in Raspberry Pi?
Answer: Wireless communications boards available in Raspberry Pi are 1) WiFi and 2) BLE/Bluetooth.

22. What are the operating systems supported by Pi?
Answer: Operating systems supported by Pi are:
Open ELEC (Open Embedded Linux Entertainment center)
OSMC (Open Source Media Centre)
Windows IoT Core
