What is Multi Mode Fiber?
What is Multi Mode Fiber?
Multi Mode Fiber
Basically multimode fiber, more than one mode can be transmitted through the fiber. Like multimode graded index fiber and multimode step index fiber. The core diameter of multi mode fiber is wide (>50µm) and the refractive index between core and cladding is large. Multimode fibers can be made using step index or graded index fibers, as the core is wider. And LED and LASER are used as optical sources. Multi-mode fibers are subject to signal distortion due to multimode dispersion and material dispersion. It has large dispersion and attenuation limits its application for short distance communication. These fibers are used in local area networks. And it is easy to insert light into these fibers and connect two fibers. Multimode fibers are relatively easy to fabricate and are not expensive.
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