What is Bourdon tube pressure gauge?
What is Bourdon tube pressure gauge?
Basically Bourdon tube pressure gauges will have flexible (circular) measuring elements soldered or welded into sockets; The free end is closed tightly. The change in pressure causes the deflection of the measuring element. This deflection of the free end of the Borden tube is proportional to the applied pressure and is transmitted in a rotary geared movement. This movement carries a pointer and indicates pressure on the dial with a 270° angle. Bourdon tube gauges are used to measure high pressures up to 1000 bar and vacuums of gases, vapors and liquids down to -1 bar. The accuracy is between ± 0,1% and ± 2,5% of full scale deflection. In case of aggressive media, Borden tube can be made of brass, stainless steel or Monel.
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