What is chemically sealed Bourdon tube pressure gauge?
What is chemically sealed Bourdon tube pressure gauge?
Basically Borden tube gauge will be fixed on the seal. A seal consists of a defined cavity that is closed off with a thin, flexible diaphragm. The volume between this diaphragm and the Borden tube will be filled with transmission fluid after it has been completely emptied. When pressure is applied, a flexible diaphragm will use this fluid to transmit the applied pressure, thus lifting the gauge. A Borden tube transfers the measured pressure using movement on a dial with a 270° angle. As the liquid fills, the connection between the seal and the gauge should remain closed. The seal can be made in various forms and types. The gauges with seals can be used to measure pressure from -1 bar to 1000 bar. The accuracy is ± 1,0% of full scale deflection. Sealed gauges are mainly used outdoors as there is no risk of freezing. The gauge with connecting flange is suitable for highly viscous, crystalline and medium solid materials. Flat seals may be used for clearance-volume free pressure measurement. Seals and connecting parts may be made from materials resistant to aggressive media. For specific applications a flexible capillary tube may be installed between the seal and the measuring device.
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