Comfort Parameters For Human Being
Comfort Parameters For Human Being
Five major human comfort parameters are decided for this research study, which influence the indoor human comfort the most. The five parameters are namely thermal comfort, visual comfort, air quality, acoustic, and lighting.
- Temperature
- humidity
- flow
- pressure
- clean air
- co2 %
Temperature Sensor
- Thermocouple
- thermistor
RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is a sensor whose resistance changes as its temperature changes. The resistance increases as the temperature of the sensor increases.
RTD works by using a basic principle; as the temperature of a metal increases, so does the resistance to the flow of electricity. An electrical current is passed through the sensor, the resistance element is used to measure the resistance of the current being passed through it.
Thermocouple are the most common sensor types used to measure temperatures. These are preferred over the others for measurements because they avoid the tedious process of conversion, and get the measurements with ease.
A thermocouple is an electrical device consisting of two dissimilar electrical conductors forming an electrical junction. A thermocouple produces a temperature-dependent voltage as a result of the See beck effect, and this voltage can be interpreted to measure temperature.
A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is strongly dependent on temperature, more so than in standard resistors. The word thermistor is a portmanteau of thermal and resistor. Thermistors are divided based on their conduction model.
Thermistors, derived from the term sensitive resistors, are a very accurate and cost- effective sensor for measuring temperature. Available in 2 types, NTC (negative temperature coefficient) and PTC (positive temperature coefficient), it is the NTC thermistor that is commonly used to measure temperature.
Humidity Sensor
A humidity sensor is an electronic device that measures the humidity in its environment and converts its findings into a corresponding electrical signal.
A humidity monitoring device is called a hygrometer. Hygrometers may be designed for indoor or outdoor humidity monitoring use (or both). Below is a summary of the types of hygrometers available for measuring humidity.
A hygrometer is an instrument used to measure the amount of water vapor in air, in soil, or in confined spaces. Humidity measurement instruments usually rely on measurements of some other quantities such as temperature, pressure, mass, a mechanical or electrical change in a substance as moisture is absorbed.
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