IOT Multiple Choice Questions And Answers
IOT Multiple Choice Questions And Answers
1.Mathematical model, which represents the relationship between variables, is termed as
a) Mathematical model
b) Statistical model
c) Variability model
d) None of the above
Answer: Statistical model
2. ANOVA has
a) Two types
b) Three Types
c) Four Types
d) Any finite value
Answer: Three Types
3. Which of the following option supports a long-range communication
a) ZigBee
c) Bluetooth
d) All of the above
Answer: GPRS
4. The primary challenges of an embedded operating system for WSN are
a) Small memory footprint
b) Low power and computing capability
c) Lack hardware parallelism
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
5. What is the network topology of Ambusens WBAN devices
a) Bus topology
b) Star Topology
c) Mesh Topology
d) None of the above
Answer: Star Topology
6. Which communication protocol is used between sensor devices in Ambusens WBAN system
a) 3G
b) WLAN/Wi-fi
c) IEEE 802.15.4
d) IEEE 802.15.1
Answer: IEEE 802.15.1
7. Which privacy-aware scheme is used in Ambusens cloud framework
a) Hashing and reverse hashing of patient physiological data
b) Patient identity masking by hashing-based mechanism
c) Hashing and reverse hashing of physiological sensor ID
d) All of the above
Answer: Patient identity masking by hashing-based mechanism
8. Activity monitoring
a) Provides better quality of life
b) Provides information accurately in a reliable manner
c) Provides continuous monitoring support.
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
9. Which of these sensors can be most appropriately used for activity monitoring in wearables?
a) Accelerometer
b) Cameras
d) LED
Answer: Accelerometer
10. Statistical methods of activity recognition can work on
a) Videos
b) Images
c) Scalar sensor data
d) All of these
Answer: Scalar sensor data
11. Which indicates the computations at device level before the computed data is communicated through internet
a) Computing
b) Edge Computing
c) Communication
d) Internetworking
Answer: Edge Computing
12. The levels of IoT are called as
a) Nodes
b) Tires
c) Items
d) Blocks
Answer: Tires
13. Which are the devices that sense the physical environments
a) Control units
b) Sensors
c) Firmware
d) PDU’s
Answer: Sensors
14. Which IoT block contains the MCU or Customer chip
a) Control units
b) Sensors
c) Firmware
d) PDU’s
Answer: Control units
15. REST stands for
a) Raspbian state transfer
b) Raspberry state transfer
c) Representational state transfer
d) Raswik state transfer
Answer: Representational state transfer
16. Which is an operating system for IOT
a) Contiki
c) Spark
d) Allyoyn
Answer: Contiki
17. Which is an open data platform with open API
a) Thingspeak
b) Nimbits
c) IoT toolkit
d) Site Where
Answer: Thingspeak
18. Full form of SANETs
a) Sensors and Actions Networks
b) Sensors and Actuator Networks
c) Smart and Active Networks
d) None of these
Answer: Sensors and Actuator Networks
19. In IIoT environment, networks can
a) Communicate with each other, external environment and people.
b) Communicate with each other, but not with external environment and people.
c) Does not communicate with each other, but communicates with external environment.
d) Communicate with each other, but not with people.
Answer: Communicate with each other, external environment and people.
20. IIoT is mainly focused on
a) Convenience of individuals
b) Efficiency, safety and security of operation and individuals.
c) Efficiency of the system.
d) Data security.
Answer: Efficiency, safety and security of operation and individuals.
21. What is the key technology to enable V2V and V2R communication?
a) Short Range Communication
b) Dedicated Short Range Communication
c) Long Range Communication
d) Medium Range Communication
Answer: Dedicated Short Range Communication
22. What do you mean by service management in IIoT?
a) Implementation and management of the quality of services
b) Collection of services
c) Features extracted from data received
d) Services which do not meet the demand of end-users.
Answer: Implementation and management of the quality of services
23. Traditional RDBMS unable to process
a) Structured data
b) Unstructured data
c) Both structured and unstructured data
d) None of these
Answer: Unstructured data
24.Structured data is managed in database using
a) .NET Framework
b) Structured Query Language
c) Normal Language Processing
d) All of these
Answer: Structured Query Language
25.What does the method readline() return
a) One line
b) One byte
c) One character
d) Bool
Answer: One line
26. The number of elements in the Open IoT Architecture?
a) 6 elements
b) 8 elements
c) 7 elements
d) 3 elements
Answer: 7 elements
27. Internet of Things needs a lot of network connection. What is the proposed “white Space” radio standard called?
a) Bluetooth
b) WiMax
c) Weightless
d) Zigbee
Answer: Weightless
28. _________ allows us to control electronic components
a) RETful API
b) RESTful API
Answer: RETful API
29. MQTT is _________ protocol.
a) Machine to Machine
b) Internet of Things
c) Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
d) Machine Things
Answer: Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
30. MQTT stands for _____________
a) MQ Telemetry Things
b) MQ Transport Telemetry
c) MQ Transport Things
d) MQ Telemetry Transport
Answer: MQ Telemetry Transport
31. Which protocol is lightweight?
c) CoAP
d) SPI
Answer: MQTT
32. By clicking which key the PubNub will display public, subscribe, and secret keys.
a) Pane
b) Demo Keyset
c) Portal
d) Network
Answer: Demo Keyset
33. PubNub publishes and subscribes _________ in order to send and receive messages.
a) Network
b) Account
c) Portal
d) Keys
Answer: Keys
34. Global Sensor Network is built for _________
a) Reducing cost and time for development
b) Reducing cost and increasing time for development
c) Increasing cost and increasing time for development
d) Increasing cost and decreasing time for development
Answer: Reducing cost and time for development
35. The huge number of devices connected to the Internet of Things has to communicate automatically, not via humans. What is this called?
a) Skynet
b) Bot 2 Bot
c) Machine 2 Machine
d) Intercloud
Answer: Machine 2 Machine
36. What is the sensor/protocol used in GSN?
a) HTTP protocol
b) CoAP protocol
c) MQTT protocol
d) XMPP protocol
Answer: CoAP protocol
37. Which is the core wrapper of GSN?
a) Serial
b) UDP
c) GPSTest
d) ZeroMQWrapper
Answer: ZeroMQWrapper
38. The SOA architecture is divided into how many layers?
a) 5 layers
b) 2 layers
c) 7 layers
d) no layers ie., only one layer
Answer: 2 layers
39. Open IoT manages the registration, data acquisition, deployment of sensors and interconnected of objects, through which network?
a) GSN
b) X-GSN
c) LSM
Answer: X-GSN
40. What happens when service providers change their operating system and communication protocols?
a) Inoperability and complexity arises
b) Only complexity arises
c) Only Inoperability arises
d) Nothing arises
Answer: Inoperability and complexity arises
41. In SOA, Service is termed as __________
a) Software service
b) Network service
c) Business service
d) Developer service
Answer: Business service
42. Are SOA components loosely coupled.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
43. Open IoT ontology is extending the W3C SSN ontology which supports the description of the physical and processing structure of sensors.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
44. One of the main characteristics of Linked Stream Data is “Live Streaming”.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
45. MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
46. What is the purpose of floating IP in Openstack?
a) To connect the instance with the external network
b) To interconnect among instances
c) To connect among instances inside a same network
d) None of them
Answer: To connect the instance with the external network
47. We normally take snapshot in Open stack
a) After the installation of an instance
b) Before the installation of an instance
c) It is an inbuilt image in Openstack
d) It should be downloaded from the internet
Answer: After the installation of an instance
48. Sensor-Cloud deals with
a) Sensor-for-Service
b) Sensor-as-a-Service
c) Sensor-in-Cloud
d) None of these
Answer: Sensor-as-a-Service
49. Which of the following statement is true in sensor-cloud
a) End user procures sensors and lend these to sensor-cloud service provider
b) Sensor-cloud is based only on dumping the sensor data to the cloud
c) Single sensor nodes is shared dedicatedly with only one end user
d) None of these
Answer: None of these
50. What are the three main issues faced by cloud while handling IoT data?
a) speed, volume, bandwidth
b) speed, quality of service, volume
c) volume, latency, bandwidth
d) none of the above
Answer: volume, latency, bandwidth
51. Why data volume is a problem in IoT-based cloud computing?
a) because data are encrypted and hard to analyze
b) because data coming from IoT devices are always in raw format and difficult to store
c) because the density of IoT devices is increasing each day and in turn the volume of generated data is growing very fast
d) because IoT device density is decreasing each day and in turn the volume of generated data are decreasing very fast
Answer: because the density of IoT devices is increasing each day and in turn the volume of generated data is growing very fast
52. If the time-sensitive data are sent to cloud for analysis, the latency will be
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) neither increase nor decrease
d) first increase, then decreased
Answer: Increased
53. What is a good approach to reduce latency?
a) Analyzing data close to the data source
b) Analyzing data in cloud
c.) Increasing number of nodes
d) Decreasing number of nodes
Answer: Analyzing data close to the data source
54. What are less time-sensitive data?
a) Data which can be analyzed after seconds or minutes
b) Data which should be analyzed within fraction of a second
c) Data which can be wait for hours, days, weeks
d) Data which can be wait for months
Answer: Data which can be analyzed after seconds or minutes
55. How fog provide better privacy to industries and companies?
a) By providing the facility to store confidential data in their local servers
b) By providing more secure communication system
c) By providing a secured VPN network
d) All of the above
Answer: By providing the facility to store confidential data in their local servers
56.Which of these can be considered as the skeleton for smart cities?
a) Buildings
b) Transportation
c) Banks
d) Sensors
Answer: Buildings
57. Which of these can be considered as the sensory organs for smart cities?
a) Buildings
b) Transportation
c) Banks
d) Sensors
Answer: Sensors
58. Smart Agriculture incorporates
a) Alert generation in case of above-threshold pollutants in the air or water.
b) Scheduling harvesting and arranging proper transfer of harvests to warehouses or markets.
c) Both the above
d) None of these
Answer: Scheduling harvesting and arranging proper transfer of harvests to warehouses or markets.
59. Heterogeneity for IoT in smart cities stands for
a) Integration of varying hardware platforms and specifications.
b) Integration of different radio specifications.
c) Integration of various software platforms.
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
60. Which of these can be categorized as AI based mathematical model for data fusion?
a) CNN
b) Recursive methods
c) Bayesian analysis
d) Belief networks
Answer: CNN
61. Which of these connects cable-based networks with wireless networks for increased sharing of media, control and access and can share network media resources?
a) UPnP
c) LAN
d) WiFi
Answer: DLNA
62. Which of these is NOT a feature of VANETs?
a) High Dynamic Topology
b) High transmission and computation capability
c) Stable connectivity
d) Predictable mobility pattern
Answer: Stable connectivity
63. X-10 protocol is characterized by
a) Low-speed and low data rate.
b) Low speed and high data rate
c) High speed and low data rate
d) High speed and high data rate
Answer: Low-speed and low data rate.
64. GreenCloud Simulator is designed based on
a) NS-3
b) NS-2
c) CloudSim
d) DCSim
Answer: NS-2
65. TCP/IP fails in V2X because
a) TCP/IP is designed mainly for handling information exchange between a single pair of entities.
b) Information exchanges in TCP/IP are dependent on the location of data.
c) TCP/IP can only identify the addresses of endpoints, which alone is not useful for content distribution.
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
66. Net metering depends on
a) Energy consumed by the consumers and energy generated by the consumers
b) Energy consumed by the consumers and energy supplied back to the grid
c) Only energy consumed by the consumer
d) None of the above
Answer: Energy consumed by the consumers and energy supplied back to the grid
67. Smart grid enables
a) Distributed energy management
b) Centralized energy management
c) Either of these
d) None of these
Answer: Distributed energy management
68. In smart grid, gateways communicate using
a) IEEE 802.15.4
b) IEEE 802.15.6
c) 6LowPAN
d) IEEE 802.11
Answer: IEEE 802.11
69. Which of the following is not a cloud simulator?
a) CloudSim
b) NS-3
c) DCSim
d) GroudSim
Answer: NS-3
70. The V2X paradigm is not restricted to a single source information provider.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
a) Mathematical model
b) Statistical model
c) Variability model
d) None of the above
Answer: Statistical model
2. ANOVA has
a) Two types
b) Three Types
c) Four Types
d) Any finite value
Answer: Three Types
3. Which of the following option supports a long-range communication
a) ZigBee
c) Bluetooth
d) All of the above
Answer: GPRS
4. The primary challenges of an embedded operating system for WSN are
a) Small memory footprint
b) Low power and computing capability
c) Lack hardware parallelism
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
5. What is the network topology of Ambusens WBAN devices
a) Bus topology
b) Star Topology
c) Mesh Topology
d) None of the above
Answer: Star Topology
6. Which communication protocol is used between sensor devices in Ambusens WBAN system
a) 3G
b) WLAN/Wi-fi
c) IEEE 802.15.4
d) IEEE 802.15.1
Answer: IEEE 802.15.1
7. Which privacy-aware scheme is used in Ambusens cloud framework
a) Hashing and reverse hashing of patient physiological data
b) Patient identity masking by hashing-based mechanism
c) Hashing and reverse hashing of physiological sensor ID
d) All of the above
Answer: Patient identity masking by hashing-based mechanism
8. Activity monitoring
a) Provides better quality of life
b) Provides information accurately in a reliable manner
c) Provides continuous monitoring support.
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
9. Which of these sensors can be most appropriately used for activity monitoring in wearables?
a) Accelerometer
b) Cameras
d) LED
Answer: Accelerometer
10. Statistical methods of activity recognition can work on
a) Videos
b) Images
c) Scalar sensor data
d) All of these
Answer: Scalar sensor data
11. Which indicates the computations at device level before the computed data is communicated through internet
a) Computing
b) Edge Computing
c) Communication
d) Internetworking
Answer: Edge Computing
12. The levels of IoT are called as
a) Nodes
b) Tires
c) Items
d) Blocks
Answer: Tires
13. Which are the devices that sense the physical environments
a) Control units
b) Sensors
c) Firmware
d) PDU’s
Answer: Sensors
14. Which IoT block contains the MCU or Customer chip
a) Control units
b) Sensors
c) Firmware
d) PDU’s
Answer: Control units
15. REST stands for
a) Raspbian state transfer
b) Raspberry state transfer
c) Representational state transfer
d) Raswik state transfer
Answer: Representational state transfer
16. Which is an operating system for IOT
a) Contiki
c) Spark
d) Allyoyn
Answer: Contiki
17. Which is an open data platform with open API
a) Thingspeak
b) Nimbits
c) IoT toolkit
d) Site Where
Answer: Thingspeak
18. Full form of SANETs
a) Sensors and Actions Networks
b) Sensors and Actuator Networks
c) Smart and Active Networks
d) None of these
Answer: Sensors and Actuator Networks
19. In IIoT environment, networks can
a) Communicate with each other, external environment and people.
b) Communicate with each other, but not with external environment and people.
c) Does not communicate with each other, but communicates with external environment.
d) Communicate with each other, but not with people.
Answer: Communicate with each other, external environment and people.
20. IIoT is mainly focused on
a) Convenience of individuals
b) Efficiency, safety and security of operation and individuals.
c) Efficiency of the system.
d) Data security.
Answer: Efficiency, safety and security of operation and individuals.
21. What is the key technology to enable V2V and V2R communication?
a) Short Range Communication
b) Dedicated Short Range Communication
c) Long Range Communication
d) Medium Range Communication
Answer: Dedicated Short Range Communication
22. What do you mean by service management in IIoT?
a) Implementation and management of the quality of services
b) Collection of services
c) Features extracted from data received
d) Services which do not meet the demand of end-users.
Answer: Implementation and management of the quality of services
23. Traditional RDBMS unable to process
a) Structured data
b) Unstructured data
c) Both structured and unstructured data
d) None of these
Answer: Unstructured data
24.Structured data is managed in database using
a) .NET Framework
b) Structured Query Language
c) Normal Language Processing
d) All of these
Answer: Structured Query Language
25.What does the method readline() return
a) One line
b) One byte
c) One character
d) Bool
Answer: One line
26. The number of elements in the Open IoT Architecture?
a) 6 elements
b) 8 elements
c) 7 elements
d) 3 elements
Answer: 7 elements
27. Internet of Things needs a lot of network connection. What is the proposed “white Space” radio standard called?
a) Bluetooth
b) WiMax
c) Weightless
d) Zigbee
Answer: Weightless
28. _________ allows us to control electronic components
a) RETful API
b) RESTful API
Answer: RETful API
29. MQTT is _________ protocol.
a) Machine to Machine
b) Internet of Things
c) Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
d) Machine Things
Answer: Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
30. MQTT stands for _____________
a) MQ Telemetry Things
b) MQ Transport Telemetry
c) MQ Transport Things
d) MQ Telemetry Transport
Answer: MQ Telemetry Transport
31. Which protocol is lightweight?
c) CoAP
d) SPI
Answer: MQTT
32. By clicking which key the PubNub will display public, subscribe, and secret keys.
a) Pane
b) Demo Keyset
c) Portal
d) Network
Answer: Demo Keyset
33. PubNub publishes and subscribes _________ in order to send and receive messages.
a) Network
b) Account
c) Portal
d) Keys
Answer: Keys
34. Global Sensor Network is built for _________
a) Reducing cost and time for development
b) Reducing cost and increasing time for development
c) Increasing cost and increasing time for development
d) Increasing cost and decreasing time for development
Answer: Reducing cost and time for development
35. The huge number of devices connected to the Internet of Things has to communicate automatically, not via humans. What is this called?
a) Skynet
b) Bot 2 Bot
c) Machine 2 Machine
d) Intercloud
Answer: Machine 2 Machine
36. What is the sensor/protocol used in GSN?
a) HTTP protocol
b) CoAP protocol
c) MQTT protocol
d) XMPP protocol
Answer: CoAP protocol
37. Which is the core wrapper of GSN?
a) Serial
b) UDP
c) GPSTest
d) ZeroMQWrapper
Answer: ZeroMQWrapper
38. The SOA architecture is divided into how many layers?
a) 5 layers
b) 2 layers
c) 7 layers
d) no layers ie., only one layer
Answer: 2 layers
39. Open IoT manages the registration, data acquisition, deployment of sensors and interconnected of objects, through which network?
a) GSN
b) X-GSN
c) LSM
Answer: X-GSN
40. What happens when service providers change their operating system and communication protocols?
a) Inoperability and complexity arises
b) Only complexity arises
c) Only Inoperability arises
d) Nothing arises
Answer: Inoperability and complexity arises
41. In SOA, Service is termed as __________
a) Software service
b) Network service
c) Business service
d) Developer service
Answer: Business service
42. Are SOA components loosely coupled.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
43. Open IoT ontology is extending the W3C SSN ontology which supports the description of the physical and processing structure of sensors.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
44. One of the main characteristics of Linked Stream Data is “Live Streaming”.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
45. MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
46. What is the purpose of floating IP in Openstack?
a) To connect the instance with the external network
b) To interconnect among instances
c) To connect among instances inside a same network
d) None of them
Answer: To connect the instance with the external network
47. We normally take snapshot in Open stack
a) After the installation of an instance
b) Before the installation of an instance
c) It is an inbuilt image in Openstack
d) It should be downloaded from the internet
Answer: After the installation of an instance
48. Sensor-Cloud deals with
a) Sensor-for-Service
b) Sensor-as-a-Service
c) Sensor-in-Cloud
d) None of these
Answer: Sensor-as-a-Service
49. Which of the following statement is true in sensor-cloud
a) End user procures sensors and lend these to sensor-cloud service provider
b) Sensor-cloud is based only on dumping the sensor data to the cloud
c) Single sensor nodes is shared dedicatedly with only one end user
d) None of these
Answer: None of these
50. What are the three main issues faced by cloud while handling IoT data?
a) speed, volume, bandwidth
b) speed, quality of service, volume
c) volume, latency, bandwidth
d) none of the above
Answer: volume, latency, bandwidth
51. Why data volume is a problem in IoT-based cloud computing?
a) because data are encrypted and hard to analyze
b) because data coming from IoT devices are always in raw format and difficult to store
c) because the density of IoT devices is increasing each day and in turn the volume of generated data is growing very fast
d) because IoT device density is decreasing each day and in turn the volume of generated data are decreasing very fast
Answer: because the density of IoT devices is increasing each day and in turn the volume of generated data is growing very fast
52. If the time-sensitive data are sent to cloud for analysis, the latency will be
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) neither increase nor decrease
d) first increase, then decreased
Answer: Increased
53. What is a good approach to reduce latency?
a) Analyzing data close to the data source
b) Analyzing data in cloud
c.) Increasing number of nodes
d) Decreasing number of nodes
Answer: Analyzing data close to the data source
54. What are less time-sensitive data?
a) Data which can be analyzed after seconds or minutes
b) Data which should be analyzed within fraction of a second
c) Data which can be wait for hours, days, weeks
d) Data which can be wait for months
Answer: Data which can be analyzed after seconds or minutes
55. How fog provide better privacy to industries and companies?
a) By providing the facility to store confidential data in their local servers
b) By providing more secure communication system
c) By providing a secured VPN network
d) All of the above
Answer: By providing the facility to store confidential data in their local servers
56.Which of these can be considered as the skeleton for smart cities?
a) Buildings
b) Transportation
c) Banks
d) Sensors
Answer: Buildings
57. Which of these can be considered as the sensory organs for smart cities?
a) Buildings
b) Transportation
c) Banks
d) Sensors
Answer: Sensors
58. Smart Agriculture incorporates
a) Alert generation in case of above-threshold pollutants in the air or water.
b) Scheduling harvesting and arranging proper transfer of harvests to warehouses or markets.
c) Both the above
d) None of these
Answer: Scheduling harvesting and arranging proper transfer of harvests to warehouses or markets.
59. Heterogeneity for IoT in smart cities stands for
a) Integration of varying hardware platforms and specifications.
b) Integration of different radio specifications.
c) Integration of various software platforms.
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
60. Which of these can be categorized as AI based mathematical model for data fusion?
a) CNN
b) Recursive methods
c) Bayesian analysis
d) Belief networks
Answer: CNN
61. Which of these connects cable-based networks with wireless networks for increased sharing of media, control and access and can share network media resources?
a) UPnP
c) LAN
d) WiFi
Answer: DLNA
62. Which of these is NOT a feature of VANETs?
a) High Dynamic Topology
b) High transmission and computation capability
c) Stable connectivity
d) Predictable mobility pattern
Answer: Stable connectivity
63. X-10 protocol is characterized by
a) Low-speed and low data rate.
b) Low speed and high data rate
c) High speed and low data rate
d) High speed and high data rate
Answer: Low-speed and low data rate.
64. GreenCloud Simulator is designed based on
a) NS-3
b) NS-2
c) CloudSim
d) DCSim
Answer: NS-2
65. TCP/IP fails in V2X because
a) TCP/IP is designed mainly for handling information exchange between a single pair of entities.
b) Information exchanges in TCP/IP are dependent on the location of data.
c) TCP/IP can only identify the addresses of endpoints, which alone is not useful for content distribution.
d) All of these
Answer: All of these
66. Net metering depends on
a) Energy consumed by the consumers and energy generated by the consumers
b) Energy consumed by the consumers and energy supplied back to the grid
c) Only energy consumed by the consumer
d) None of the above
Answer: Energy consumed by the consumers and energy supplied back to the grid
67. Smart grid enables
a) Distributed energy management
b) Centralized energy management
c) Either of these
d) None of these
Answer: Distributed energy management
68. In smart grid, gateways communicate using
a) IEEE 802.15.4
b) IEEE 802.15.6
c) 6LowPAN
d) IEEE 802.11
Answer: IEEE 802.11
69. Which of the following is not a cloud simulator?
a) CloudSim
b) NS-3
c) DCSim
d) GroudSim
Answer: NS-3
70. The V2X paradigm is not restricted to a single source information provider.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
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