Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Validation Testing

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Validation Testing

1. ___________ refers to a different set of tasks ensures that the software that has been built is traceable to Customer Requirements.
a) Verification
b) Requirement engineering
c) Validation
d) None of the above
Answer: Validation

2. The ___________ of a computer program is an important element of its overall quality.
a) Verification
b) Validation
c) Reliability
d) None of these
Answer: Reliability

3. ___________ refers to the set of tasks that ensure that software correctly implements a specific function.
a) Verification
b) Validation
c) Array
d) All of the mentioned above
Answer: Validation

4. Verification and validation includes a ___________ of SQA activities.
a) Wide array
b) Small array
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
Answer: Wide array

5. ___________ refers to a different set of tasks that ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements.
a) Verification
b) Validation
c) Array
d) None of these
Answer: Validation

6. ___________ is a quality control function that has one primary goal to find errors.
a) Software testing
b) Verification
c) Validation
d) None of these
Answer:  Software testing

7. Software testing is one element of a broader topic that is often referred to as
a) Verification
b) Validation
c) Verification and Validation (V&V)
d) None of these
Answer: Verification and Validation (V&V)

8. The validity test that focused on comparing test scores of already existing employees to a measure of their job performance, is
a) Concurrent validity
b) Predictive validity
c) Criterion validity
d) Content validity
Answer: Concurrent validity

9. Which of the following is not true about Software Validation?
a) Validation ensures the product under development is as per the user requirements.
b) Validation do not emphasizes on user requirements.
c) Validation emphasizes on user requirements.
d) Validation is carried out at the end of the SDLC.
Answer: Validation do not emphasizes on user requirements.

10. Amongst which of the following is / are the Verification and validation activities.
a) Technical reviews, quality and configuration audits
b) Algorithm analysis, development testing, usability testing
c)  Qualification testing, acceptance testing, and installation testing
d) All of the mentioned above
Answer: All of the mentioned above

11.What do you understand by V&V in software testing?
a) Verified Version
b) Version Validation
c) Verification and Validation
d) Version Verification
Answer: Verification and Validation

12. A program testing is to affirm software quality with methods that can be economically.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

13. Testing does provide the last bastion from which quality can be assessed and, more pragmatically, errors can be uncovered.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

14. Verification ensures that "Are we building the product, right?"
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

15. Validation ensures that "Are we building the right product?"
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
