Thermodynamic processes multiple choice questions

 Thermodynamic processes

1. Calculate the work done by the gas in an isothermal process from A to B. PA = 1Pa, VA = 3m3, PB = 3Pa.
a) 3.3J
b) 3J
c) -3.3J
d) -4.58J
Answer: -3.3J
2. Isothermal process can be represented by which law?
a) Charle’s law
b) Boyle’s law
c) Gay-Lussac’s law
d) 2nd law of thermodynamics
Answer: Boyle’s law
3. In an isothermal process for an ideal gas, change in internal energy is zero. True or False?
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
4. In which of the following processes is heat transfer equal to zero?
a) Isentropic
b) Isochoric
c) Isothermal
d) Diathermic
Answer: Isentropic
5. Which of the following variables is zero for a cyclic process?
a) Work done
b) Heat supplied
c) Total heat + Total work
d) Total heat – Total work
Answer: Total heat – Total work
6. The latent heat of steam at atmospheric pressure is.
a) 1535 kJ/kg
b) 1875 kJ/kg
c) 2257 kJ/kg
d) 2685 kJ/kg
Answer: 2257 kJ/kg
7. Gas laws are applicable to
a) Gases as well as vapours
b) Gases alone and not to vapours
c) Gases and steam
d) Gases and vapours under certain conditions
Answer: Gases alone and not to vapours
8. General gas equation is
a) PV = nRT
b) PV = mRT
c) PVn = C
d) Cp - Cv = R/J
Answer: PV = mRT
9. Which of the following laws is applicable for the behaviour of perfect gas
a) Boyle's law
b) Charle's law
c) Gas-Lussac law
d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
10. An ideal gas as compared to a real gas at very high pressure occupies
a) More volume
b) Less volume
c) Same volume
d) None of the above
Answer: More volume
