
Self Adaptive Control

Self Adaptive Control Basically self-adaptive control is one of the major types of the adaptive control. And it is comparable to the feedback compensation because the adaptation of controller parameters is based on the closed-loop performance measurement and the objective is to optimize it using process reference models or estimation techniques. In self-adaptive control, the controller parameters are generated for each process condition and are the  not programmed as in the case of programmed adaptive control. The parameter adjustment loop searches for optimal values ​​for the controller parameters on-line. Types of Self Adaptive Control Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC). Self Tuning Regulator (STR). Model Reference Adaptive Control  Model Reference Adaptive Control is also known as the MRAC. Basically  process parameters are unknown or vary with time, an adaptive control scheme known as the model reference adaptive control (MRAC) is applied to achieve as well as maintain the des

What is a node?

What is a node?  Basically a node is a junction where two or more circuit elements are connected together. And it has two types, minor node and major node. A minor node is a point at which only two elements are connected together. And a major node is the point at which three or more elements are joined together.

What is a network component?

What is a network component?  Basically a network element is any circuit element with two terminals that can be connected to other circuit elements. 

What is load?

What is load?  Basically a load is a device that consumes electrical energy like lamp, motor, heater. 

What is a source?

What is a source?  Basically a source is a device that supplies electrical energy like batteries, generators. 

What is an electrical circuit?

What is an electrical circuit?  Basically an electrical circuit is a closed path through which current flows. All electrical circuits are electrical networks.

What is an electrical network?

What is an electrical network?  Basically any arrangement of electrical power sources and circuit components is known as electrical network. And electrical power sources can be batteries and generators. Circuit elements are resistance (R), inductance (L), and capacitance (C). 

What is stress?

What is stress?  Stress is basically the internal resistance of an object to a force applied to a unit area. And that's the scale of the tensor. A tensor also has magnitude, direction, and a plane with respect to which the stress is defined. Basically it is not the same at all points. It changes angle and direction. Basically the force creating surface tension can act at any angle and direction. The normal stress is the component perpendicular to the plane of the surface and the shear stress is the component perpendicular to the plane of the surface. And it can be either compressive or tensile. Compression is positive normal stress and tension is negative normal stress. Commonly Stress is used for solid materials and is expressed in MPa/GPa. It has no measuring device but it can be measured.

What is pressure?

What is pressure?  Pressure is basically Force / Area and is the magnitude of an external force applied to a unit area. A scalar measure of pressure has only magnitude in it. Pressure is basically equal at all points and in all directions. If there is pressure on a surface, it always acts perpendicular to the surface. And this is considered a special case of stress. It is always compressed and is used for fluids, liquids and gases. It is usually specified in N/m^2. And it is commonly measured by various measuring devices like manometer, bourdon tube, diaphragm etc.

What is a Parallel Circuit?

What is a Parallel Circuit? Parallel Circuit  Basically a parallel circuit is one in which the components are directly connected to each other. Each component in a parallel circuit operates at the same voltage as the source. In other words, the voltage across different components in a parallel circuit is the same. [ Vt = V1 = V2 = V3…= Vn ]. And in this circuit two or more paths are available for current flow. The number of current paths is equal to the number of parallel elements. And two or more paths are available for current flow in this circuit. The number of current paths is equal to the number of parallel elements. In a parallel circuit the current is varied and mixed. [ To = I1 + I2 + I3…+In]. In a resistive parallel circuit, the total resistance is less than any of the individual resistances. [ Rt = 1 / (1/R1 + 1/R2+ . . . 1/Rn) ]. In an inductive parallel circuit, the total inductance is less than any individual inductance. [ Lt = 1 / (1/L1 + 1/L2+ . . . 1/Ln)]. and capacitiv

What is a Series Circuit?

What is a Series Circuit? Series Circuit  Basically this circuit consists of a series of elements connected one after the other. And it is also called one to one connection or cascade connection. A circuit short in series or a break at any point in the circuit causes the entire circuit to become unusable. The total voltage applied to a series circuit is distributed in a series of voltage drops across the various components of the circuit. In other words, the sum of the voltage drops across the individual components in a series circuit equals the total applied voltage. [ Vt = V1 + V2 + V3…+Vn ]. There is only one path available for current flow in this circuit and the current through all the elements in a series circuit is the same. [ It = I1 = I2 =I3 … = In ]. Basically in a resistive series circuit, the total resistance is equal to the sum of the individual resistances. [ Rt =  R1 + R2 + R3…+Rn ]. In an inductive series circuit, the total inductance is equal to the sum of the individu

What is a Instrument Transformer?

What is a  Instrument Transformer? Instrument Transformers   Basically this Transformers used in conjunction with measuring instruments like current, voltage, power, frequency, power factor are called instrument transformers and it is used in AC system. And these transformers are used to provide isolation between the power circuit and the control circuit. These transformers are also used in conjunction with protective relays. Instrument transformers are of two types. they are, A current transformer measures high current and a potential transformer measures high voltage. Instrument transformers are also used with protective relays for power system protection. Commonly instrument transformers are used to step down AC system voltage and current. And this voltage and current level of the power system is very high. Designing measuring devices to measure such high levels of voltage and current is very difficult and expensive. The measuring instrument is generally designed for 5 A and 110 V.

What is Optical Fiber and it's types ?

What is Optical Fiber and it's types ?  Optical Fiber Basically an optical fiber is a thin strand of glass or plastic that acts as a transmission medium through which information is transmitted. And optical fiber is a dielectric waveguide that operates at optical frequencies (10^13 to 10^16 Hz) and transfers information in the form of light through the mechanism of total internal reflection. Also an optical fiber has a central core surrounded by a cladding layer. Types of optical fiber  Step index fibers, graded index fibers, single mode fibers, multimode fibers, glass, plastic clad fibers and all plastic fibers are basically common types of optical fibers. And the step index and graded index are based on the fiber refractive index profile. Single mode and multimode fiber is based on the number of modes. Glass, plastic clothing and all plastics are fiber based materials. Related Articles Step Index Fiber  Graded Index Optical Fiber Single Mode Fibers Multimode Fibers Glass Fibers 

What is Multi Mode Fiber?

What is Multi Mode Fiber?  Multi Mode Fiber  Basically multimode fiber, more than one mode can be transmitted through the fiber. Like multimode graded index fiber and multimode step index fiber. The core diameter of multi mode fiber is wide (>50µm) and the refractive index between core and cladding is large. Multimode fibers can be made using step index or graded index fibers, as the core is wider. And LED and LASER are used as optical sources. Multi-mode fibers are subject to signal distortion due to multimode dispersion and material dispersion. It has large dispersion and attenuation limits its application for short distance communication. These fibers are used in local area networks. And it is easy to insert light into these fibers and connect two fibers. Multimode fibers are relatively easy to fabricate and are not expensive.

What is Single Mode Fiber?

What is Single Mode Fiber? Single Mode Fibers  Basically single mode fibers have only one path for transmission i.e. only one mode can travel through it. And this core diameter is narrow (2 to 10µm). Single mode fibers refractive index difference between core and cladding is very small. Also single mode fibers are always step indexed because the core is narrow which cannot be graded indexed. Only lasers can be used as optical sources. Dispersion does not occur as there is no degradation of the signal during its propagation through the fiber. and are suitable for long distance communication due to its high data carrying capacity. And fabrication is very difficult to make expensive. It is very difficult to pass light between these fibers and connect two fibers.