Single Pole, Double Throw SPDT Switch

Single Pole, Double Throw SwitchSPDT Switch Diagram

A single pole, double throw switch is also known as a SPDT switch. Basically a single pole, double throw switch is a three terminal switch and has one input terminal and two output terminals.

What Is Single Pole, Double Throw (SPDT) Switch?

A single pole, double throw switch is a three terminal switch and has one input terminal and two output terminals. Basically an SPDT switch is used to turn a circuit on and off but this switch has two outputs or two different connections. A single pole double throw (SPDT) switch is commonly known as a changeover switch. And this switch connects two different LEDs and basically this switch has one position on the first LED and another position of the switch on the second LED. And a single pole double throw (SPDT) switch can turn any two different circuits on, off, and onSPDT Switch Symbol

Single Pole, Double Throw Switch Working

A single pole, double throw switch works like an on and off switch, and this switch operates two different circuits, and an example of a SPDT switch is a two-way light point. This switch controls the flow of two circuits

Example Of An SPDT Switch
Example of SPDT Switch

One terminal of one pole, double throw switch is connected to power supply and other two terminals are connected to two different LEDs as per given diagram. When connected to the first output point, lamp 1 turned on and lamp 2 remained off. When connected to the second output point, lamp 2 turned on and lamp 1 remained off


  • An SPDT switch can use the same power supply for two different circuits
  • An SPDT switch controls two different circuits through one source.
  • An SPDT switch performs on, off, and on actions.
  • Connecting the two circuits to an SPDT switch is easy.
