Oximeters multiple choice questions

 Oximeters Multiple Choice Questions


1. What is used to detect foetal heart movements in broad beam transducer?
a) Quartz crystal
b) Piezo electric crystal
c) Topaz crystal
d) Berlinite crystal
Answer: Piezo electric crystal
2. What is maximum ultrasound intensity of narrow beam transducer?
a) 15 mW/cm2
b) 20 mW/cm2
c) 25 mW/cm2
d) 30 mW/cm2
Answer: 25 mW/cm2
3. Which transducer is arranged in the shape of a clover leaf so that it provides a large area of illumination?
a) piezo-electric
b) ultrasonic
c) array
d) pressure
Answer: ultrasonic
4. When it is possible to detect multiple pregnancies?
a) 10th week
b) 12th week
c) 15th week
d) 20th week
Answer: 20th week
5. The transmitting crystal emits 40° divergent beam so that the beam covers an area of approximately _____ cm diameter.
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
Answer: 10
6. Blood flow detectors based on Doppler shift start detecting foetal pulses as early as in which week of pregnancy?
a) tenth
b) eleventh
c) twelfth
d) ninth
Answer: eleventh
7. What is the diameter of a narrow beam transducer?
a) 15 mm
b) 20 mm
c) 25 mm
d) 30 mm
Answer: 25 mm
8. Which of the following is the most reliable method for detecting FHR pattern?
a) Abdominal foetal electrocardiogram
b) Foetal phonocardiogram
c) Ultrasound technique
d) Foetal ECG with scalp electrode
Answer: Ultrasound technique
9. What is the diameter of an array transducer?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
Answer: 6
10. Which of the following transducer is used to detect foetal heart movements over a wider area?
a) piezo-electric
b) ultrasonic
c) array
d) pressure
Answer: piezo-electric
11. At what angle divergent beam is transmitted by a crystal in array transducer?
a) 10°
b) 20°
c) 30°
d) 40°
Answer: 40°
12. The array transducer housing is flexible to permit it to follow the contour of the abdomen regardless of shape changes with contractions.
a) True
b) False
Answer: False
13. The array transducer can be held in place by a simple buckle.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
14. The narrow beam transducer is very sensitive and produces a good trigger signal for instantaneous heart rate determination.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
15. Signal processing for FHR determination can be based either on detecting the foetal heart valve motion or on detecting the heart wall motion in Abdominal foetal electrocardiogram technique.
a) True
b) False
Answer: False

Ear Oximeter

1. In external toco-tonometry, movement of _____ may be superimposed on labour activity.
a) heart
b) eye
c) foetus
d) muscle
Answer: foetus
2. What is used to convert the movement of transducer due to an increase of tension in uterus into an electric signal?
a) AC Amplifier
b) Strain guage
c) Synchronous detector
d) piezoelectric crystal
Answer: Strain guage
3. What is measured in the internal method using fluid-filled catheter?
a) IUP
b) ECG
c) IUC
d) EMG
Answer: IUP
4. What is the peak intensity of uterine contractions in a normal patient in spontaneous active labour?
a) 0 to 35 mm Hg
b) 50 to 75 mm Hg
c) 90 to 120 mm Hg
d) 120 to 150 mm Hg
Answer: 50 to 75 mm Hg
5. What is the standard chart speed?
a) 2 cm/min
b) 3 cm/min
c) 4 cm/min
d) 5 cm/min
Answer: 2 cm/min
6. What is the duration of uterine contractions in a normal patient in spontaneous active labour?
a) 0 to 30 s
b) 30 to 70 s
c) 80 to 100 s
d) 110 to 150 s
Answer: 30 to 70 s
7. What are labour-activity transducers?
a) temperature transducer
b) ultrasonic transducer
c) pressure transducer
d) piezoelectric transducer
Answer: pressure transducer
8. A _______ channel chart recorder is incorporated in instruments used for monitoring labour activity.
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
Answer: two
9. Uterine contractions are calibrated in range of ______ in two-channel chart recorder.
a) 0-100 mm Hg
b) 100-200 mm Hg
c) 200-300 mm Hg
d) 300-400 mm Hg
Answer: 0-100 mm Hg
10. What is the range of Instantaneous beat to beat rate digitally displayed?
a) 0 to 50 bpm
b) 50 to 210 bpm
c) 210 to 350 bpm
d) 350 to 410 bpm
Answer: 50 to 210 bpm
11. What is the interval of uterine contractions in a normal patient in spontaneous active labour?
a) 1 to 3 minutes
b) 3 to 5 minutes
c) 5 to 7 minutes
d) 7 to 9 minutes
Answer: 5 to 7 minutes
12. In two-channel chart recorder, FHR is recorded on a calibrated chart in ________
a) cm/min
b) m/min
c) beats/min
d) pulses/min
Answer: beats/min
13. What is intrauterine pressure during the expulsion period?
a) 130 mm Hg
b) 140 mm Hg
c) 150 mm Hg
d) 160 mm Hg
Answer: 150 mm Hg
14. The narrow beam transducer permits the operator to position the baseline on the zero-level line of recording chart.
a) True
b) False
Answer: False
15. The toco-transducers are temperature sensitive.
a) True
b) False
Answer: False

Pulse Oximeter

1. What is the wavelength of infrared LED in pulse oximetry?
a) 660 nm
b) 740 nm
c) 905 nm
d) 950 nm
Answer: 905 nm
2. What is used as a photodetector in pulse oximetry?
a) Phototransistor
b) Solar cell
c) Photodiode
d) Photographic plates
Answer: Photodiode
3. E. A = log I0/I,where I0 is_____
a) Incident light Intensity
b) Transmitted light Intensity
c) Extinction coefficient
d) Concentration
Answer: Incident light Intensity
4. What is the wavelength of the red LED in pulse oximetry?
a) 660 nm
b) 740 nm
c) 905 nm
d) 950 nm
Answer: 660 nm
5. ______ is very useful for patients having respiratory or cardiac problems because of their simplicity of use and the ability to provide continuous and immediate oxygen saturation levels.
a) Pulse Oximeter
b) Ear Oximeter
c) Skin Reflactance Oximeter
d) Intravascular Oximeter
Answer: Pulse Oximeter
6. A = ɛDC, where ɛ is _______
a) Incident light Intensity
b) Transmitted light Intensity
c) Extinction coefficient
d) Concentration
Answer: Extinction coefficient
7. _____ is non-invasive method allowing the monitoring of the saturation of a patient’s hemoglobin.
a) Ear Oximetry
b) Pulse Oximetry
c) Skin-Reflectance Oximetry
d) Intravascular Oximetry
Answer: Pulse Oximetry
8. Portable pulse oximeters are useful for ______ whose oxygen levels may decrease at high altitude.
a) Athlete
b) Swimmer
c) Mountain climber
d) Fisher
Answer: Mountain climber
9. A pulse oximeter shows the percentage of venous hemoglobin in the oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) and hemoglobin (Hb).
a) True
b) False
Answer: False
10. A pulse oximeter is useful in any setting where a patients oxygenation is unstable.
a) True
b) False
Answer: True

Skin Reflectance Oximeters

1. There are two types of coils employed in the system, which are ____
a) Tygon coils and mixing coils
b) Mixing coils and tubing coils
c) Delay coils and tygon coils
d) Mixing coils and delay coils
Answer: Mixing coils and delay coils
2. Which of the following is not the part of the manifold?
a) Transmission tubing
b) Pump tubes
c) Platter
d) Plastic tubes
Answer: Plastic tubes
3. In the sampling unit, when it is in its earlier form consisted of a circular turntable carrying around its rim 40 disposable __________ of 2 ml capacity.
a) Polyvinyl cups
b) Polythene cups
c) Polyester cups
d) Polystyrene cups
Answer: Polystyrene cups
4. Which of the following is not the type of tubing?
a) Acidflex tubing
b) Glass tubing
c) Polypropylene tubing
d) Tygon
Answer: Polypropylene tubing
5. Which module consists of a pair of Perspex plates?
a) The dialyzer module
b) The recorder module
c) The sampling module
d) Heating bath module
Answer: The dialyzer module
6. In phasing, if the cholesterol stream arrives at Y time, albumin must arrive at ______
a) Y + 5 s
b) Y + 10 s
c) Y + 15 s
d) Y + 20 s
Answer: Y + 15 s
7. What is the ratio of the sampling time to wash time?
a) 1:2
b) 3:1
c) 2:1
d) 1:3
Answer: 2:1
8. Which coils are used to permit the channels to enter the calorimeter in the proper sequence?
a) Mixing coils
b) Delay coils
c) Solvaflex coils
d) Phasing coils
Answer: Phasing coil
9. The dialyzer module module consists of a pair of Perspex plates
a) True
b) False
Answer: True
10. There are two types of coils employed in the system, which are Delay coils and tygon coils
a) True
b) False
Answer: False

Intravascular Oximeters

1. Which of the following is not the method of cell counting?
a) Microscopic method
b) Electrical conductivity method
c) Automatic optical method
d) Electroscopic method
Answer: Electroscopic method
2. Which of the following is not the type of blood cell?
a) Erythrocytes
b) Thrombocytes
c) Leukocytes
d) Eosinocytes
Answer: Eosinocytes
3. What is the ratio of a sample of red blood cells in dilute blood?
a) 500:1
b) 50000:1
c) 1:500
d) 1:50000
Answer: 1:50000
4. Which of the following is the Red Blood Cells?
a) Erythrocytes
b) Leukocytes
c) Basophils
d) Monocytes
Answer: Erythrocytes
5. PDW index is related to the size range covered by those platelets lying between _______ and _______ percentile.
a) 20th and 84th percentile
b) 16th and 20th percentile
c) 16th and 84th percentile
d) 20th and 80th percentile
Answer: 16th and 84th percentile
6. The normal red cell lasts approximately ______ before it is destroyed.
a) 90 days
b) 210 days
c) 120 days
d) 60 days
Answer: 120 days
7. Who is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs?
a) Basophils
b) Eosinophils
c) RBC
d) Thrombocytes
Answer: RBC
8. What is the amount of blood in the average adult?
a) 5-10 liters
b) 10-15 liters
c) 5-6 liters
d) 5-15 liters
Answer: 5-6 liters
9. The instrument of an optical method of counting cells, that require about _____ of blood sample.
a) 100 ml
b) 1 liter
c) 1 ml
d) 10 ml
Answer: 1 ml
10. _______ will be calculated if the value of PCV and Hb per deciliters are known.
a) MCV
c) MCH
d) PCT
Answer: MCHC
11. What is the difference of measuring accuracy between microscopic counting and electronic counters?
a) + or – 20 %
b) + or – 17%
c) + or – 3%
d) + or – 23%
Answer: + or – 17%
12. 1 f/l = ____
a) 1018
b) 1015
c) 10-18
d) 10-15
Answer: 10-15
13. Instruments based on the automatic optical technique take about _____ for completing the count blood cells.
a) 30 sec
b) 120 sec
c) 60 sec
d) 90 sec
Answer: 30 sec
14. The main two types of leukocytes are ____________
a) The neutrophils and the thrombophils
b) The lymphocytes and the neutrophils
c) The neutrophils and the monophils
d) The lymphocytes and the monophils
Answer: The lymphocytes and the neutrophils
15. ______ play an important role in the blood coagulation process.
a) Platelets
b) Leukocytes
c) RBC
d) Neutrophils
Answer: Platelets
